Wednesday, October 24, 2012

लग्गी से घास गढ़ने की आदत कब छूटेगी?

स्वच्छता पर बातें बनाने की नहीं, काम करने की जरूरत है

एक कहावत है- लग्गी से घास गढ़ना...(यानी किसी काम को सीधे करने के बजाय उलझा देना)। हमारे देश में सभी तरह के सरकारी काम इसी तर्ज पर निपटाने का रिवाज है। किसी गांव में दस-पचास सामूहिक शौचालय बनाने के बजाय हम वहां के लोगों को भाषणों की घुट्टी पिलाने पर लाखों रुपये खर्च कर देते हैं। हम काम करना नहीं चाहते लेकिन यह अपेक्षा जरूर रखते हैं कि दूसरे लोग अपना काम जरूर करें। यहां तक कि हमारी सरकार यह चाहती है कि देश के नागरिक अपने मौलिक कर्तव्यों, देश के संविधान, कानून और मर्यादाओं का स्वयमेव पालन करते रहें लेकिन सरकार और उसके नुमाइंदे इसकी जिम्मेवारी लेने और अपनी मर्यादा बनाए रखने पर ध्यान नहीं देते। इस तरह की सोच ही देश में समस्याओं की जड़ है। इसी सोच के तहत हम निर्मल भारत अभियान पर करोड़ों रुपये फूंक रहे हैं लेकिन शौचालय निर्माण पर इसे खर्च करने को तैयार नहीं हैं? जयराम रमेश पहले गांववालों के लिए भरपेट भोजन और स्वच्छ पानी की व्यवस्था तो कर दें, फिर शौचालय की व्यवस्था अपने आप हो जाएगी। दरअसल, निर्मल भारत जैसे अभियानों पर जितना पैसा फूंक दिया जाता है, उतने में हजारों-लाखों शौचालयों का निर्माण कराया जा सकता है। तो क्या ऐसे में इस तरह के अभियानों के नाम पर विदेशों से कर्ज और मदद लेकर पैसों की बर्बादी जरूरी है या इन पैसों का सदुपयोग करते हुए स्वच्छता और सामूहिक शौचालय की योजनाएं बनाने और उनके संचालन का दायित्व उठाना जरूरी है। सबसे गंभीर विसंगति हमारे देश में यही है कि हम बातें बनाना तो खूब जानते हैं लेकिन काम करना नहीं जानते। जितना हो-हल्ला शौचालय को लेकर मचाया जा रहा है, उतना शोर कभी जयराम रमेश ने देशवासियों को स्वच्छ पेयजल की व्यवस्था करने के लिए क्यों कभी नहीं मचाया? सवाल उठता है कि क्या सिर्फ अच्छी-अच्छी बातें बनाने और भाषणबाजी करने से ही समस्या का समाधान हो जाएगा? ग्रामीण विकास, पेयजल और स्वच्छता मंत्री जयराम रमेश सिर्फ गांवों में स्वच्छता की बात करते हैं जबकि शहरों और महानगरों में भी करोड़ों ऐसे कम आय वर्ग के लोग हैं जिन्हें शौचालय के लिए रेल पटरियों और झाड़ियों की शरण लेनी पड़ती है। सरकार के पास इतना बड़ा मंत्रालय है, राज्य सरकारों के पास बड़ा प्रशासनिक अमला है, तो क्या हम साफ-सफाई और शौचालय की व्यवस्था नहीं कर सकते? खुले में शौच करने वालों को गिरफ्तार कर जेल भेजने का अभियान तो सरकार चला सकती है लेकिन वह उनके लिए शौचालय की व्यवस्था नहीं कर सकती है? आखिर यह कैसी सोच है? हमारे हुक्मरान जूठन एकत्र करने और बांटने के लिए अलग विभाग और मंत्रालय बनाने की हसरत रखते हैं लेकिन वे सरकारी अनाज गोदामों में सड़ रहे और चूहों का पेट भर रहे अनाजों को भूखे-गरीब लोगों में बांटने की बात करने पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट को ही आंख दिखाने लग जाते हैं। इस तरह की सरकारी सोच ही हमारे देश को समस्याओं का देश बनाने की दिशा में ले जा रही है। सरकार को अपनी कार्यप्रणाली और सोच बदलने की जरूरत है। आजादी के इतने सालों बाद भी हमारी सरकारें सही ढंग से काम नहीं कर पा रही है और वह चाहती है कि आम लोग खुद ही सारा काम सही तरीके से करते रहें। सीधे काम करने के बजाय हम किसी अभियान को प्रक्रियाओं में उलझा देते हैं। फिर परिणाम होता है वही ढाक के तीन पात।

Friday, June 15, 2012

महिलाओं को कमजोर बनाए रखने का षडयंत्र

आधी आबादी की उपेक्षा से पिछड़ता समाज

भारत में समय-समय पर महिलाओं की दशा पर चिंता जताई जाती रही है। महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण और इसके लिए उन्हें आरक्षण देने पर आधा-अधूरा ही सही लेकिन प्रयास होते रहे हैं। बावजूद इसके यदि देश में महिलाओं की स्थिति सुधर नहीं पा रही है तो इसके लिए हमारा समाज ही सबसे बड़ा गुनहगार है। आज भी महिलाओं के प्रति पुरुषों की सोच नहीं बदली है। महिलाओं के साथ अन्याय, अत्याचार, उत्पीड़न, यौन शोषण, सामाजिक भेदभाव और लैंगिक पूर्वाग्रह जैसे कई त्याज्य और निंदनीय घटनाओं और वारदातों पर पुरुषप्रधान समाज का उपेक्षा और संवेदनहीनता भरा आचार-व्यवहार ही ऐसी विसंगतियों को बरकरार रहने और उन्हें बढ़ावा देने में सहायक साबित हो रहा है। हाल ही में एक विदेशी सर्वेक्षण संस्था की ओर से कई देशों में महिलाओं की स्थिति की शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, रोजगार और हिंसा जैसे कई विषयों को लेकर तुलना की गई है। थॉम्सन रॉयटर्स फाउंडेशन का यह सर्वेक्षण 19 विकसित और विकासशील देशों में किया गया जिनमें भारत, मैक्सिको, इंडोनेशिया, ब्राजील, सऊदी अरब जैसे देश शामिल हैं। सबसे आश्चर्यजनक और निराशाजनक तथ्य यह कि भारत में महिलाओं की स्थिति को सऊदी अरब जैसे देश से भी खराब बताया गया है जहां महिलाओं को गाड़ी चलाने और मत डालने जैसे बुनियादी अधिकार तक हासिल नहीं हैं। सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार, भारत में महिलाओं का दर्जा दौलत और उनकी सामाजिक स्थिति पर निर्भर करता है। 19 देशों की सूची में भारत सबसे अंतिम पायदान पर है। इसके लिए बाल विवाह, दहेज, घरेलू हिंसा और कन्या भ्रूण हत्या जैसे कारण गिनाए गए हैं। हालांकि सात वर्ष पहले बने घरेलू हिंसा कानून की सराहना की गई है लेकिन लिंग के आधार पर हिंसा अभी भी हो रही है। विशेष रूप से अल्प आय वाले परिवारों में ऐसी हिंसा अधिक होती है। सर्वेक्षण के मुताबिक, भारत में ऐसी बहुत सारी महिलाएं हैं जो सुशिक्षित और पेशेवर हैं और उन्हें हर तरह की आजादी और पश्चिमी जीवन शैली हासिल है। एक महिला प्रधानमंत्री रह चुकी हैं और अभी देश की राष्ट्रपति एक महिला हैं, मगर ये तथ्य गांवों में महिलाओं की स्थिति से कहीं से भी मेल नहीं खाते। दिल्ली और इसके आसपास आए दिन महिलाओं के राह चलते उठा लिए जाने और चलती गाड़ी में सामूहिक बलात्कार होने की खबरें आती रहती हैं। देह व्यापार के लिए महिलाओं की तस्करी और शोषण की खबरें छपती रहती हैं। कई मामलों में महिलाओं के खिलाफ हिंसा को समाज में स्वीकार्य भी समझा जाता है। इसमें एक सरकारी अध्ययन का उल्लेख किया गया है जिसमें 51 प्रतिशत पुरुषों और 54 प्रतिशत महिलाओं ने पत्नियों की पिटाई को सही ठहराया था।
जाहिर है भारत में महिलाओं की दशा यदि मध्यवर्गीय समाज जैसी होती जा रही है तो इसके लिए हमारा समाज ही सबसे ज्यादा जिम्मेदार है। यह नहीं भूलें कि महिलाओं की दशा सुधारने के लिए सबसे पहले उन्हें समाज में बराबरी का दर्जा दिलाना होगा। परिवार के स्तर पर उनको महत्व देना होगा। रोजी-रोजगार तथा नौकरी के क्षेत्र में उन्हें पहले आरक्षण देकर आर्थिक तौर पर सुदृढ करना होगा। अर्थवाद और भौतिकतावादी इस युग में आर्थिक तौर पर मजबूत बनाकर ही महिलाओं को समाज में ऊपर उठाया जा सकता है।
महिलाओं को कमजोर बनाए रखने का षडयंत्र चल रहा है। उन्हें खुलकर जीने की आजादी नहीं है। घर, परिवार तथा समाज में बंधक की तरह जीवन गुजारने को मजबूर हैं। सामाजिक, राजनीतिक और आर्थिक मुद्दों और विषयों पर घर और समाज में लिए जाने वाले फैसलों में महिला समाज की कोई भूमिका नहीं होती। न ही उनसे राय लेने की कोई व्यवस्था है। तमाम सामाजिक प्रतिबंधों के प्रचलन और परंपराओं को कायम रहने को देखते हुए ऐसा कहना गलत नहीं है कि महिलाएं हरेक कदम पर बंधनों और बाधाओं से घिरी हैं और उन्हें व्यक्तिगत आजादी दिला पाने में हमारा समाज नाकाम रहा है। इसके लिए सामाजिक सुधार की नई लड़ाई और जनजागरूकता के माध्यम से समाज सुधार की पहल करनी होगी। आधी आबादी की उपेक्षा कर समग्र विकास का कोई लक्ष्य प्राप्त कर पाना नामुमकिन होगा।

Sunday, June 10, 2012

मुलायम से नजदीकी बढ़ाती कांग्रेस

राष्टÑपति चुनाव और आगामी लोकसभा चुनाव दोनों को सामने रखकर राजनीतिक गठबंधन तैयार करने की मुहिम में कांग्रेस भ्रष्टाचार विरोधी आंदोलन पर अपनी गिरती साख बचाने के लिए भी समाजवादी पार्टी की आड़ लेने की कोशिश कर रही है। इसके अलावा तृणमूल कांग्रेस की बार-बार की धमकियों से यूपीए सरकार पर उत्पन्न संकटों और कई नीतिगत मसलों में ममता बनर्जी के तीखे विरोधों को देखते हुए वह तृणमूल से मुक्ति के उपाय भी ढूंढने में जुटी है। खासकर खुदरा क्षेत्र में प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश का मसला ऐसा ही एक मुद्दा है जिसको लेकर कांग्रेसनीत यूपीए सरकार उसी हद तक जा सकती है जिस हद तक उसने अमेरिका से नाभिकीय सौदे के मामले में यूपीए-1 सरकार के दौरान खतरा मोल लिया था। पिछले साल राजनीतिक दलों के भारी विरोध और तृणमूल तथा डीएमके जैसे सहयोगी दलों के रुख को देखकर भले ही खुदरा में विदेशी निवेश का मसला टाल दिया गया हो लेकिन आर्थिक सुधारों के बहाने सरकार उसे अमल में लाने में कोई कोर कसर बाकी नहीं रहने देना चाहेगी।
उधर, तृणमूल कांग्रेस की रणनीति देखें तो पश्चिम बंगाल विधानसभा में कांग्रेस के साथ गठबंधन कर चुनाव लड़ने के बाद जब उसे अकेले पूर्ण बहुमत मिल गया था तभी से वह ‘एकला चलो...’ की नीति अपना रही है। उस समय कांग्रेस को सरकार में महज इसलिए शामिल किया था चूंकि केंद्र सरकार के गठबंधन में तृणमूल शामिल है। असल में तृणमूल कांग्रेस का लक्ष्य अगले विधानसभा चुनाव में अकेले दम पर लड़ने का है। भले ही सरकार को अतिरिक्त मजबूती प्रदान करने के लिए उसने कांग्रेस को सरकार में शामिल कर लिया हो लेकिन कभी उसे खास महत्व और तवज्जो नहीं दिया है। निगम चुनाव अकेले लड़ना भी इसी रणनीति का हिस्सा है। बार बार अकेले सरकार चलाने की धमकी देना और यह कहना कि उन्हें कांग्रेस की जरूरत नहीं है, आखिर क्या दर्शाता है? खुदरा में विदेशी निवेश जैसे विकल्प के लिए कांग्रेस और यूपीए सरकार किसी भी हद तक जा सकती है। और यही वजह है कि कांग्रेस अब तृणमूल कांग्रेस से किनारा करके समाजवादी पार्टी को लुभाने की चाल चल रही है। उत्तर प्रदेश के कन्नौज संसदीय सीट पर सपा प्रमुख मुलायम सिंह यादव के बेटे और उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव की पत्नी डिम्पल यादव के खिलाफ प्रत्याशी नहीं उतारने का कांग्रेस का फैसला भी इसी रणनीति का हिस्सा है। राष्टÑपति चुनाव तक कांग्रेस की समूची रणनीति स्पष्ट हो जाएगी। संभव है आगामी लोकसभा चुनावों में कांग्रेस की ओर से समाजवादी पार्टी को गठबंधन में शामिल करने की पुरजोर पहल हो जाय।

Sunday, June 3, 2012

First Bigger Translation Project done by 29 February 2008 (Related to Agra Development Authority)



MAY 2001


Building construction and development bye laws – 2000
I. Definitions and functionality of bye laws 1-6
II. Compulsions for development license 7-10
III. Open spaces 11
IV. Roads 12-13
V. Community facilities 14-15
VI. Sub-divisions of plots and requirements 16
VII. Compulsions for building construction 17-25
VIII. Sizes of plots and their requirements 26
IX. Group housing 27-28
X. Set back 29-32
XI. Covered area and F.A.R. 33-35
XII. Internal structure of the building 36-37
XIII. Lighting and airspace 38
XIV. Other interiors 39
XV. Basement 40-41
XVI. Parking 42-43
XVII. Other compulsions and requirements 44-45
XVIII. Requirements for building hotels 46
XIX. Requirements for construction of nursing homes 47
XX. Requirements for construction of Farm houses 48-49
XXI. Requirements for construction petrol pumps/filling stations 50-51
XXII. Requirements for construction L.P.G./storages 52
XXIII. Standards for giving facilities to physically handicapped persons53-57
XXIV. Requirements for construction of cold-storages 58-59
XXV. Requirements for commercial use in the old areas of the city 60-61
XXVI. Appendices 62-83
2. Multiplexes and cinema related governments order 84-88
3. Cellular phone, licenses for constructed area ordinances 89-92
4. Rulings related supervision fee, ambers fees, strengthening fees and rates of development fees 93-101
5. Byelaws related to demolition 102-112
6. Rulings related to period extension of maps 113-117
7. Rulings for medical, dental and engineering colleges 118-121
8. Rulings related to easiness of map acceptance 122-126
9. Rulings related to alteration in land use 127-140
10. Rulings related to earthquake-protected construction 141-153
11. Rulings related to adjustments of the land of co-operative committees 154-157
12. Rulings for demolition 158-163
13. Rulings for hotels 164-166
14. Rulings for fire stations 167
15. Prescribed area for different land-uses 168
16. Agra master plan 1975-2001 169-174
17. Taj trapezium zonal plan 1996-2001 175-180
18. Other important rulings 181-188

Chapter 1

1.1 Abbreviated Name 1.1.1 these byelaws will be called Agra Development Authority Building construction and development byelaws –2000.
1.1.2 these byelaws are applied for whole Agra Development Region.
1.1.3 these byelaws are effective on the date of publishing in the Gazette.
1.2 Definitions 1.2.1 Act means Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act 1973.
1.2.2 Development means including its grammatical forms the construction, engineering mining or other activities on land, on the surface and over or underground construction or it implies to any alteration in land or any construction and it also includes the redevelopment.
1.2.3 Alteration means structural changes and increase in area or raising height or any addition in the building e.g. Construction or demolition of any wall, division, pillar, beam, hook, floor or changes in required means of entrance/exit or general base or changes in fixture and mechanisms.
1.2.4 Licensed Technical Person means Archaeologist certified through Council of Architecture or a person, which is licensed under the effective byelaw Agra Development Authority under section-57 part-d.
1.2.5 Basement means the construction underground or partially underground.
1.2.6 Covered Area means ground area over the plinth on which the building is constructed.
1.2.7 Floor Area means the covered area of any floor of the building.
1.2.8 Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R) means the result of the division of the area of the land and the total floor area of the building.
1.2.9 Purchasable FAR means the accepted additional FAR according to instruction limit over the accepted FAR, which can be purchased by the applicant by a required fee according to Mahayojna/Regional planning, Building byelaws.
1.2.10 Compensatory FAR means right of way/road extension or transferring land free of costs from remains land as reimbursement for land owners in account of giving personal land for public amenities and assumed as additional FAR as per instructed limit.
1.2.11 Residential Rooms means the rooms designed for use, whether it is study room,
Residences, bedroom, dining room but kitchen, bathroom, toilet, kitchen shelf and storeroom, corridor, basement, attic and other spaces will not be included in it.
1.2.12 Loft means the middle floor of two floors or the space of pitched roof, which is generally over surface level and is made for the purpose of stores.
1.2.13 Mezzanine floor means middle floor between two floors.
1.2.14 Use group means the classification of the building for the purpose of main use according to primeval, for which the any part of the building is used or implies to being used. In primeval, the connected primeval is also included. The classification of primeval is as follows: -
Residential buildings: the buildings generally used for bedding, fooding and have a facility of toilet with the provision of general residence.
Educational buildings: the building of school, college or institution where people comes for education or training.
Institutional buildings: all buildings or part of building which are used for that purposes such as, hospital, nursing homes, health units or other remedies or caring for economically, physically and mentally ill persons or weak babies, other ill persons seeking health, and house for old age persons and persons in judicial custody for remedy are included. In institutional buildings hospital, sanitarium, custodial and judicial organizations e.g. jail, custody house, remand home, research organizations and high level organizations will also been included.
Assembly hall: the building and its part used for the enjoyment, entertainment, social, ritual, patriotic, civil travel and related purposes by general people, for example theatre, cinema hall, community hall, observation house, exhibition hall, places of worship, museum, skating, zimkhana, dancing hall, club, travel station, air, land or terminals of other public transporting services.
Commercial and financial buildings: the building or its part used for shopping, store, market, exhibition purpose for commercial goods, retail or wholesale selling and business related works, banks, hotel, petrol pump and facilities needed for commercial dealings and are situated in the building, will be added.
Office: the building or its part used for disposal of administrative works of any agency, institute and workshop and is used for the preservation of its documents and records.
Industrial building: the building or its part used for production, composing or processing of any kind of goods.
 Museum: the building or its part used mainly for collection or store for goods, for example warehouse, cold storage, frat dipo, transit shades, storehouse, hanger, grain elevator, barn and astabal.
Critical buildings: the building or its part used for storing, distribution, production or processing of highly inflammable or blasting materials or which produces flammable vapor or blasts or which is highly corrosive, poisonous or hazardous base, spirit or other liquid materials, chemical substances which ejects flame and vapor, corrosive, poisonous, irritant or corrosive gases or which have dust mixed with blasting materials, or which causes to being melted in small pieces and which instantly being flammable in open air.
Group housing: two or more storied buildings, in which each floor have individual residential units and which have common co-ownership for land and services, open space and common footpath.
1.2.15 Open space means the area, which is the integral part of the land and is open to sky.
1.2.16 Owner means the person which have the legal right on any land or building, who collects rent or in case of rental premises is rights for collection of rents and:
Any agent or person who collects rental by the owner.
Any agent or person who collects rents or in whose hand management of land or building is submitted, which is for spiritual or religious purposes.
Any receiver or manager who will be the rights/incharge of handling the ownership right, appointed by the competent authority or court.
1.2.17 Plinth means the part of the structure, which is just on the surface level or unto the floor of the ground level.
1.2.18 Area of plinth means the constructed area, which is measured by the basement, ground level or surface of any floor.
1.2.19 Service lane means the galas, which is just behind the land or its side used for service.
1.2.20 Set back line means the line parallel to the land boundary which is stated in the byelaws and outside which no any construction is permitted.
1.2.21 Plot means the part of land with the fixed boundary line.
1.2.22 Corner plot means the plot, which is in front of the crossing/junction of two or more roads crossing each other.
1.2.23 Storey means the part of the building, which is on any surface and between its adjoining floors and if there is no upper floor then the place under its roof.
1.2.24 Tower construction: the construction, which is minimum twice higher than the width of the wider side of the surface.
1.2.25 Street means- street, gala, lane, path way, narrow lane, (such as) passages, carrier-way, foot-way, square, open pool, whether is it is public use or not, or on which the people have right to move or walk without any interruption after the completion of development work, whether it exists is any planning or proposed in, all types of band has, water system, manhole, drains for rain water, pulia, side wall, traffic ilands, retaining, walls, barrier and railing which is under the boundary of street.
1.2.26 Ground level or the slope of the road means the authorized height or pitch of the mid-line of the road, which is attached to the land, and if there is any authorized pitch the slope existing on the mid-point of the road is assumed for that.
1.2.27 Road line means the fixed line of the sides of the road.
1.2.28 Width of the road means the total width or the right-of-way to the road.
1.2.29 Verandah means the covered area, in which at least one side opens outside but in case of upper floor, the exception of one-meter high parapet towards open side is not included.
Note: The words or terminology, which are used in these byelaws, but not defined, will have the meaning described as in act.
1.3 Functionality of byelaws: These byelaws will be functional for the development of any plots, redevelopment, sub-partition or construction, reconstruction or alteration or as stated whole building or separated part remaining after demolition and for all parts of effected building in are of land use alteration.

Chapter – 2

Part one

Compulsions for development license

2.1.1 Application for license
I. For development license it will have to present two copies of application format in prescribed format (appendix-I) and four sets of maps including the receipt of required fees.
II. In proposed maps, there will be the key-plan, map placed in mahayojna, site plan, surface level map and services plan.
III. After receiving the license one set of documents will be kept in authority for record.
IV. Licensed technical person will prepare all maps and they mentioning the name, address, ability and license number of authority will sign it. In addition there will be the signature of land/building owner.
2.1.2 Notices and documents
2.1.3 Authorization in planning: Application format as it is, will be submitted with following notices and documents.
Allotment letter, acquirement letter and the copy of map with sell/lease/license deed.
The copy of documents supporting the ownership of the land.
Affidavit and reimbursement mortgage on non-judicial stamps of required amount. in other colonies/planning’s
Application format, as it is, will be submitted with following notices documents:
The copy of document supporting the ownership of the applicant (in which the allotment letter of any committee or registered deed will be accepted).
Land map (in which plot no. Ad area/number of rooms, village name will be mentioned.)
Affidavit and reimbursement mortgage on non-judicial stamps of required amount. Key plan: For partition of lands or development or redevelopment license for colonies, the key plan with the application is necessary in which the north direction pointer, scale and proposed partitions of land will be shown. with land boundary
Sarah no. Or including other local provisions the description of nearest land will be mentioned.
In case of the ownership of application on border land and the sub-partition accepted formerly, the available facilities and the roads towards the proposed land will also be mentioned.

A. The present distance joining the plot to the main road or street and it’s width including proposed sub-partition.
B. The location of all existing structures and features as, high-tension, line, telephone/electric pole, underground pipelines, tree, building, railway line etc. which comes under 30 meters from the land boundary.
C. All physical characteristics of land, in which the location of ponds or its size, floored area, pitch of the land (in case of more than 1:20, it should be mentioned including contour per 0.3 meters)
D. The location of plot in mahayojna/zonal plan. Sub-partition surface level map
Sub-partition surface level map is on the scale of 1:1000 for plots up to 10 hectare and the following description will be mentioned: -
Scale and compass.
Width of all proposed or existing streets under the plot.
Set back including the building line and its measure under the plot.
Drains, sewer, community facilities, electric lines etc.
Analysis of the sizes area and use of all plots under the sub-partition surface level map.
Percentage description in context of the total area, the total area, roads, open spaces, school and other common places (which are proposed in sub-partition).
Description and map of approach path to the existing road in the proposed sub-partition of plots.
Landscape plan (including plantation). Specialties
For the license of sub-partition of land, the following specialties and descriptions will be enclosed: -
General specialties of all proposed development works under the area, e.g. general specialties of roads and galis, their pitch and paving, side drain, water supply facilities, sewage disposal system, road light, sports field, park and description of community use development.
The available outsider facilities near the land e.g. sewage disposal space, water draining system (side drain), main road, electric supply system, water supply sources etc.
Purpose of land use.
In case of industrial units the kinds of extraction and its amount.
2.1.3 basic counting of development license fees
The description about calculation mark payable for development license for development fees and other prescribed fees) will be compulsorily made available for the applicant in which the reason for the fees (means reference of corresponding govt. order/authority order) is made clearly.
2.1.4 Contact for development license
Before issuing the development license authority will have to dispose a license contract with applicant at prescribed conditions.
2.1.5 Validity of development license letter
License issued once will be valid for five years under the which it will have to complete the development work and get the certificate of land development work completion in prescribed format by the authority in prescribed process.
2.1.6 Notice for the initiation of developmental work
It will be noticed in prescribed format (appendix-) after the initiation of development under the license.
2.1.7 Alteration in development
During development if there is any alteration accepted in plan or it intended, then before the authority will take disposal of proposed alteration license.
2.1.8 Completion certificate: -
After work completion the licensed technical person will have to give notice in prescribed format (appendix-3) and then the authority will issue completion certificate.

Part two

Open spaces

2.2.1 Residential Use: In residential surface level map, there is a provision for 0.3 hectare land per 1000 population and there will be proposed in the form of hut, park and sports ground. The minimum area of park will not be less than 250 square meters and its one side is not less than 12.50 meters.
2.2.2 Unresidential use: In unresidential surface level map, park and greenery and for balancing the ecology the open space will be 5 percent of the total area, which will be developed as park, greenery etc.
2.2.3 Landscape plan: The competent authority will have to make it sure the following provision of landscape plantation before the acceptance of the map and before issuing the completion certificate the plantation will be assured.
The road more than 9.0 meters width and less than 12 meter will be planted one side and the road of 12 meter width will be planted both sides with a maximum distance of 10 meters each. In case of more widen roads total blank space will be planted except divider, footpath and black top.
It is necessary to approve the landscaping plan with industrial development map, in which the total open space will be planted at the rate of 125 trees per hectare.
The industries of most pollution will be separated in residential area by deep plantation, which will be 15 percent of industrial area.
In financial planning there will be greenery in minimum 20 percent part of total open space, where plantation will be made at the rate of minimum 125 plant per hectare to the proposed open space in mahayojna.

Part three

2.3.1 Residential land use: In the development of residential land use the roads and side drains will be planned as follows: -
The minimum width of the 200 meter long street will be 9 meters, in 200 to 400 meters it will be 12 meters, 400 to 600 meters unto 18 meters and more than 600 meters it will be 24 meters wide.
The minimum width of Loop Street is 9 meters and maximum is 400 meters.
The width of the road cornering park/open spaces can be 7.5 meters broad.
The 9 meters street which is straight and dead-end street, there will be a turning of minimum 7.5 meters radius and its maximum length will be 100 meters. But it will not be necessary of curl-de-sack in Dead End Street.
Note: For the people of weaker section/low income group working in public agencies, there will be motor able roads in special residential plans of minimum 6-0 meters width. The width of footpath is minimum 4-5 meters in case one side plotting and other side having open space. The maximum length is 80 meters in 3.0 meters Wide Street and 4.5 meters Wide Street had maximum length of 80 meters. No any residential unit is distant more than 150 meters from the 9 meters. No any residential unit is distant more than 150 meters to the 9 meters wide street.
Width of other streets will be as per mahayojna/regional planning.
2.3.2 Unresidential use of land
Unresidential area e.g. commercial, offices and in industrial land use no any road will be at least 12 meters width, which will be the maximum length of 200 meters. The road between 200 to 400 meters wide and above 1000 meters length will be 90 meters.
The license of the proposed roads of less than 30-degree angle will be issued only if there is a proper traffic arrangement and necessary weaving length is available.
There will be appropriate weaving length at the crossings of the roads.
Roads unto 18 meters metal part will have a sphere of minimum 4.5 meters and more than it are minimum 6 meters of radius.
The minimum distance between two T-junctions in 18 meters wide roads, will be two and half times of the wider road at the junction
The minimum distance between the junctions of the 18 meters wide roads will be as follows: -
(a) 18 to 24 meters, 150 meters
(b) 24 meters or more wider roads, 300 meters
The width of other roads as according to mahayojna/regional plans.
2.3.4 Calculation of the road-length
The road length will be counted from the crossing of the road wider than that.
2.3.5 Block length
The maximum length of the block will be 200 meters
2.3.6 Drainage system
For drainage system the side drains will be the integral part of the road and have proper pitch for individual water passing.


Community facilities

2.4.1 Standards for facilities
The standards of the community facilities based on population, will be according to the provisions of mahayojna but outside the city where mahayojna is not implemented then the provisions of the facilities will be as follows: -

 Main type sub-types Standard Minimum area
1 2 3 4 5

1. Educational facilities Nursery school   one per 4000 population   0.05 hectare
Primary school   one per 4000 population 0.3 hectare
High school,    one per 10,000 population 1.0 hectare
Inter colleges

Colleges   one per 80,000 population 2.0 hectare
2. Medical facilities Health center   one per 16000 population 0.8 hectare
General hospital one per 1,00,000 population 2 to 4 hectare
Including 100-200 beds, ancillaries and residence for staffs.

3. Telecommunication sub post-office one per 10,000 population   100 sq.m
Facilities and other post-office   one per one lakh population   0.4 hectare
Essential services and wire houses/
Telephone exchange

Police station   one per 50,000 population   0.8 hectare
(With residence
For staffs)

Police check-posts   one per 20,000 population   0.4 hectare
(With residence
 For staffs)

Fire stations one per each 5 kilometers 0.8 hectare circumference  
(With residence
 For staffs)
4. Social and community hall      one per 25,000 population    0.3 hectare
Cultural facilities and conference hall

5. Commercial Shopping facilities one per 400 people maximum 5%                    
Of total
Planned area
Office uses)

2.4.2 Estimation of population
The population will be estimated on the standards of five persons per residential units. The calculation standards will be one unit unto 50 sq. meters area, two unto 50 –150 sq. meters, three unto 50-150 sq. meters, three unto 150-300 sq. meters and four units will be counted for more than 300 sq. meters. In case of group housing and other building, five people per residential units will be counted.


Sub-partition of plots in constructed area

2.5.1 Constructed areas
The area in which the major parts are developed as commercial, industrial or colonial areas and are with the fundamental facilities and in mahayojna or notified as existing constructed area by the authority, the land under these will be sub-partitioned as the following standards. (It will not ad the existing or new colonies and its attached sites): - in case more than 0.4-hectare plot sub-partitioned, there will be an approach path of minimum 7.5 meters width for internal development. The minimum width of the approach path ill is 6 meters for the internal development of less than 0.4-hectare area. The minimum width of the roads will be 40 meters in constructed area and front set back of 1.0 meter will be left. In case the minimum width of the road in constructed area is less than 4.0 meters, the front side of the plot will be 200 meters far than the mid-line of the road and after that 1.0-meter front set back will be left.



Compulsions for construction of a building

1.1.1 Exemption from license
There will no necessity of license for the following works if there is no violation of byelaws related to the general construction demands, stability of structure and five safety demands: -
Opening and closing a window or door or ventilation, which are not in the side of other property.
Provision of doors for internal command.
Internal partition if there is no violation of minimum standards.
Re-tiling or making roof.
Re-construction of floors.
Making plaster or plastering any part.
Construction of 0.75 meters wide sunshade on ones own land.
Construction of boundary wall on the land of the height of maximum 1.5 meters high to the middle line of the road.
The construction work by any central/state government or local body for the purpose of inspection or its modification and changes in side drains, main side drains, pipes, cables or other instruments.
Construction of roof/terrace, balcony/parapet in verandah.
Construction of septic tank/soak pit.
Making hand pumps.
Building temporary water tank for construction works.
The reconstruction of the building damaged in natural disaster at the limit of the structure before the incidence.
B. It will not be necessary to take any kind of acceptance for construction/reconstruction and remodeling of residential buildings over the plot unto 100 square meters in old and constructed area of the city except declared mela zone under Uttar Pradesh Mela Act, 1938.
1.1.2 Application for license
For construction/reconstruction or alteration of any building, two copies of license application format (appendix-4) and four sets of the following map and notices will be presented with the receipt of paid fees: - Land map
Unto one-hectare minimum scale 1:1000 and the following details will have to describe in that: -

I. Borders of the proposed building plot.
II. Status of the near about roads.
III. Name of the nearest road if any, present width and proposed width of the proposed construction.
IV. Building existing on the plot.
V. The building status of the land attached to the proposed construction.
VI. The approach path to the road to the building or other all buildings whose owner wants to construction of his own land.
VII. Set back left for uninterrupted airing, lighting and cleaning under and around the building, the roads in front, and side or near about and the parking.
VIII. Existing physical structures and side drains etc.
IX. The disposal of sewage and water exhaust and water tank line unto the discharge point.
X. Scale and compass.
XI. Landscape plane in which plantation for several uses were shown as following manner: -
A. In residential plots: -
(i) One tree at per 200 sq. meters plot.
(ii) Two trees on 200 to 300 sq. meters plot.
(iii) More than 500 sq. meters one tree per 100 sq. meters or its part.
(iv) In-group housing plan 50 trees per hectare plantation and approval of landscaping proposal with map will be necessary.
(v) In economically weaker section, slum area development plan, at per 50 families on minimum 100 sq. meters one tree will be planted.
B. In industrial plots: -
One tree per 80 sq. meters area will be planted.
C. In commercial plots: -
    One tree per 100 sq. meters area will be planted.
D. Institutional/community facilities, sports spot, open spaces and parks: -
Minimum 20 percent greenery of the total area will be covered where 125 trees per hectare will be planted. Building maps: -
Not less than the rate pf 1:100 in building plan and elevation and section and the following details will have to be described: -
I. Covered area including floor map of all floors, size of rooms, staircase, ramp (with lift).
II. Primeval or use of each part of the building.
III. Actual space of basic services, e.g. toilet, sink, bath, water tank, drain etc.
IV. In group housing, hotel and multistoried commercial/official buildings, telecom-wiring system as per required standards by telecommunication department.
V. In section drawing the size of footing, the width of the underground wall, floor, slab, roof, doors, size of windows, building and cameras, height of parapet, water drain, pitch of the roof will be clearly shown, in which minimum one section is attached from staircase and machine room.
VI. Elevation from all roads
VII. Assumed covered part measures in open spaces.
VIII. Water drain and pitch of the roof in terrace plan.
IX. Compass and used scales.
X. All maps will be made by licensed technical persons and their name, address, ability and registration number of council of architecture or license no. Of authority with their signature on it. Map will be signed by the owner of the building also. Special and multi-storied buildings: -
I. In four-storied buildings or more than 15 meters high multistoried buildings and assembly hall, educational, institutional, industrial sown and critical and mixed residences and maps of special buildings of land-coverage of more than 400 sq. meters the following details will be necessary: -
(a) Approach path for vehicles and dumkal, details of turning points, circulation area of vehicles around the building and parking system.
(b) Fir escape, staircase.
(c) Details of the size (width) of main staircase, and attached balcony, corridor and entrance of lobby.
(d) Status of lift enclosure with lift facility.
(e) Drainage room, electric services and pipes for all services.
(f) Details of electric alarm system.
(g) Fixed water tank and its capacity. Ownership Certificate
Original selling letter (certified copy of lease/records)
Any deed wanted by authority.
1.1.3 Process for licensing Solo residential buildings
Developed by authority/housing development council, colonies of colonizer transfer to municipal corporation and accepted by authority and in built or old area 300 sq. meters solo residential house construction, reconstruction and repairing according to maps rules will be assumed automatically accepted after depositing all payable fees, the condition is that the map will be prepared by licensed technologist and a certificate in this respect is attached with that all the fees will be paid for the proposed construction and it is according to mahayuojna and building byelaws and there is no any encroachment of mahayojna/road/regional plans road/public place/street/park.
The residential buildings unto 300 sq. meters plot in developed colonies by authority and it will not be necessary for acceptance of the map in further. Applicant will have to make internal changes as per their needs, but it will not be permitted to any changes in set back and open spaces. In case of the construction different from the standard design there will be no need for acceptance, if the construction is according to the map submitted and registered by first licensing officer in council of architectures.
The map of plots more than 300 sq. meters area for solo residence, it is necessary to get acceptance. If the submitted map is not disposed in 30 days period then it will be assumed self-accepted, the condition is that it is according to building byelaws and mahayojna/regional plans. In case of self-acceptance the related builder is responsible for the construction.   other buildings:
Commercial, offices, group housing and others (except industrial) the map will be presented for building license but in case of not finally disposal within 90 days, if applicant have not given his consent on them, the building map meant accepted itself, as per condition that the construction is according to mahayojna/regional planning and building byelaws. In case of self-acceptance the builder himself is responsible.
Making easy acceptance for the maps of this category a technical committee will be constituted at the authority level in the chairmanship of vice-president, which will examine these maps and giving acceptance. In this committee the all other departments will be accompanied necessarily from whom the no objection certificate is required.
In case of not receiving no objection certificate in within 90 days the acceptance will be made clear on the condition that the builder will submit the written notice to the department and authority from which no objection certificate/objection certificate will not be issued, and will commence the work on his own risk after 10 days, but he will have to get the no-objection certificate from those departments. It is the builder who is responsible to get no objection certificate and construct according to the condition mentioned on them.
Completion certificates of those buildings will be issued only if the builder gets no objection certificates from all the departments.
The buildings for which the no objection certificate is required, necessarily acceptance will be made by the technical committee according to aforesaid (II).
1.1.4 The calculation and base of building license fees
The fees received from the applicant in connection with submitted maps for building license (e.g. strengthening fees, supervision fees, development feel, am bar fees and other required fees), the details about the calculations related to it will be made available for applicant compulsorily, in which the reason for the fees (means concerned reference of govt.-order/authority order) will be mentioned.
1.1.5 Validity of construction license letter
I. The license once issued will be valid for 5 years.
II. After giving application by the land-owner before the period of five years of initial acceptance, the authority under these conditions and restriction which it wants to lodge, can make one year extension each year for maximum three times by taking required fees.
1.1.6 Notice of commencement of construction
After commencing the construction under license its notice will be given in prescribed format in appendix-IV
1.1.7 Under construction period if their intends to any alteration, which is not under building byelaws 3.1.1, then the license will be issued by authority submitting before disposal of proposed alteration revised map certified by licensing technologist.
1.1.8 Completion of construction work/license of primeval
Plots unto 100 sq. meters in old/constructed area excluding the constructed residential buildings, the licensed technologist will give notice in prescribed format 9appendix-6) after completion of all construction work and authority will issue completion certificate.
3.1.9 Construction license near reserved monuments
  I. Archaeological department will not give license under 100 meters circumference to the border of reserved monuments and after that it is necessary to get no-objection certificate by archaeological department to the area of 200 meters circumference.
II. If any building is not declared reserved monument and in the opinion of authority that building is of specific historical and architectural importance whose demolition is suspected or there is any possibility of any changes occur in its structure by construction/proposed development, then authority have right to declare any terms and condition which it meant appropriate for preservation of such buildings.
3.1.10 Architectural control the architectural facade/elevation of buildings in any special region or architectural features of that notified area the construction license will be according to the required terms and conditions by authority. In architectural control the following terms/conditions can be made sure of all or any one provision: -
A. Compulsory height of front or lane/street towards the building that can be constructed.
B. Compulsory height of surfaces.
C. Compulsory height and design of cornice sill, upper part of window, sunshade and first and corresponding floors.
D.Compulsory building line with the building construction.
E. Compulsory type design of balcony.
F. Colour scheme.

Part two

Sizes of plots and requirement

3.2.1 Residential          
 For residential purpose the minimum area of plot will be 40 sq. meters and minimum width 3.50 meters. The minimum size of the plot 25 sq. meters can be certified for economically weak people under special house plans in proposed or donated house plans (low income class) of public agencies, slum clearance scheme, Industrial labour housing plans etc., in it 75 percent land-coverage is acceptable. On the basis of special design cluster open space are assured for the needs of open space for these groups, the minimum size of 15 sq. meters can be prescribed and land coverage upto 100 percent with the condition of proper facility for airing and lighting can be permitted.
3.2.2 Cinema hall cinema hall and for the purpose of assembly and other such buildings in constructed area, the plots of minimum 30 meters width and it front will be at 12 meters wide road but in new and developed areas cinema hall, assembly hall and other buildings, the plot will be minimum 45 meters wide and its front portion will be on minimum 18 meters wide road.

Part three

Group housing

3.3.1 General requirements
Under the provisions of mahayojna and regional developmental plans, group housing will be developed in which the general sub-division standard not applied.
3.3.2 Area of plots
The minimum area will be 1000 sq. meters.
3.3.3 Approach path
The proposed land for group housing will be at the street minimum 9.0 meters wide, but in case of over a 4storied building or more than 4000 sq. meters plot the road will be minimum 12.0 meters width. The internal passage under buildings will be minimum 4.5 meters width for 50 meters length, 6.0 meters upto 125 meters and 9 meters upto 250 meters length. The width of the streets more than it will be according to byelaws no. 2.3.1 (1).
3.3.4 Compulsions of silts
The buildings of more than 4 storied buildings the floor will be compulsorily silts of maximum height of 2.6 meters (from surface to ceiling), will be made accordingly and it will used for parking, which is not counted in F.A.R. but there will be no exemption in the height of the building.
3.3.5 Park and open spaces and landscaping
In-group housing, the provision of open space of 0.1 hectare per 1000 people will be made. With the building map, the landscaping proposal and approval will be necessary, according to that 50 trees per hectare will be planted in group housing. It will not be compulsory to left open space for park within 3000 sq. meters.
3.3.6 Land-coverage, F.A.R. and density
Floor area ratio, land-coverage and density will be as follows: -
I. Maximum land coverage 35 percent.
II. Maximum F.A.R. 1.5.
III. Purchasable F.A.R. 0.5 on those additional units will permit.
IV. Maximum residential units 150 per hectare.
V. The provision for community services will be according to the provisions of mahayojna. In case of no mahayojna the provision of facilities will be made according to the prescribed standards in clause 2.4.1 of the byelaws, but the provision for suvidhajanak shops will be 5 shops per 1000 people, which will be under the basement or permitted covered land and will be included in F.A.R.
VI. Fir community uses e.g. community/cultural hall, library, reading room, committee office, generator room, chowkidar room and tube-well, 10 percent area of permitted land- coverage (maximum 400 sq. meters) additional floor area will be permitted with the condition of non-violation of minimum set back and fire safety requirements.
VII. The calculation of land-coverage for group housing will be on the basis of protected total area excluding the following: -
(a) 18 meters or more widen street that is under the group housing area or roundabout it but residential streets, lop street, cal de sack, service, lane and footpath will be not be excluded.
(b) The roads, park, sports-field and facilities shown under mahayojna, zonal plans.


Set back

3.4.1 Residential buildings
3.4.2 The set back for the buildings unto 10 meters height will be as follows: -
Area of plot set back (in meters)
In sq. meters Front Back Side-1 Side-2

Upto 50 1.0 --- ---- ----
>50-100 1.5 1.5 --- ---
>100-150 2.0 2.0 --- ---
>150-300 3.0 3.0 --- ---
>300-500 4.5 4.5 3.0 ---
More than 500 6.0 6.0 3.0 1.5

Maximum 7.0 meters high construction will be permitted on the 40 percent part of the side set back.
In case of corner plot the minimum side set back will be equal to the front set back of other plot on that road. If there is no front of any plot on the roadside, than the setback of corner plot will be equal to the front set back.
In case of odd number of plots in the block, considering the need for set back in both sides of the plots larger than 300 sq. meters, the width of the corner plot will be set more than that accordingly.
In sub-division of any plot is being done in pre-planned developed area/plans, then the original set back of the plot will be as usual.
In special situation the exemption in the set back of the corner plot can be made with permission of authority board.
The above-cited set back will be applied in new sub-division/lay out plans; the existing set back will be applied in the old developed plans.
3.4.3 Commercial/official/institutional/community facilities/assembly hall (unto 10 meters height)
Area of plots Set back (in meters)
(In sq. meters) Front Back Side-1 Side-2
Upto 200 4.5 3.0 --- ---
>200-500 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
More than 500 9.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Note: In commercial buildings upto 10 meters height, which has the covered area upto 400 square meters (excluding hotels), backward portion and set back in sides will not be necessary, if lighting and airing will be properly arranged.
3.4.4 Educational institutions (upto 10 meters height)
Area of plots Set back (in meters)
(In sq. meters) Front Back Side-1 Side-2
Upto 500 6.0 3.0 3.0 ----
>500-1000 9.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
>1000-4000 9.0 4.0 3.0 3.0
>4000-30,000 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
More than 30,000 15.0 9.0 9.0 9.0

3.4.5 Industrial buildings (upto 10 meters height)
Area of plots Set back (in meters)
(In sq. meters) Front Back Side-1 Side-2
Upto 100 3.0 --- --- ---
>100-200 4.5 1.5 1.5 ---
>200-300 4.5 2.0 2.0 ---
>300-400 4.5 3.5 3.0 ---
>400-500 6.0 3.5 3.5 ---
>500-600 6.0 4.0 3.5 3.5
>600-1000 7.5 4.5 4.0 4.5
>1000-5000 9.0 9.0 4.5 4.5
>5000-30,000 9.0 9.0 4.5 4.5
More than 30,000 15.0 9.0 9.0 9.0

Note: In industrial building the construction of guardroom, generator room near the main gate will be permissible; whose area will be the 5 percent of the total area and maximum 50 square meters area.
3.4.6 Multiplexes
Height of the building left set back roundabout
In meters (in meters)
10-15 5.0
15-18 6.0
18-21 7.0
21-24 8.0
24-27 9.0
27-30 10.0
30-35 11.0
35-40 12.0
40-45 13.0
45-50 14.0
More than 50 15.0

Note: Minimum set back of front part will be 9 meters in non-residential buildings and set back of the remaining three sides will be according to the table above.
Maximum height of any building will be not more than 1.5 times to the addition of street width and front set back.
If buildings are on the two roads of different width, the front side will be assumed as the side attached to the broader street and according to above mentioned (II) the height of building will be acceptable upto 24 meters deep with relatively Narrow Street.
For tower-like construction, the following set back can be acceptable to the alternative of above-mentioned para-2.
(a) With one set back on upper floors upto 24 meters high building the set back runaround will not less than 6 meters.
(b) With one setback on upper floors upto 24 meters to 37.5 meters height there will be no runaround ground level setback of minimum less than 12 meters.
(c) With one set back on upper floors of more than 37.5 meters height there will be no set back of runaround at ground level of less than 12 meters.
(d) The shortage of setback given in Para (I) will be covered by two sets back of upper floors. Therefore no any entrance will be made on the upper floors set back through the rooms to go to the plot.
Minimum distance between two blocks will be 6.0 meters in building upto 24 meters height and 9.0 meters for the buildings higher than that.
3.4.7 Exemption from set back
In set back of buildings of height upto 10 meters, the exemption will be given as per following rules:
Maximum 1.0-meter wide roof or chajja can be constructed in open space which will be not more than half of open space width.
Portico construction will be permissible near entrance of set back over the driveway based on pillars or projection maximum 3.0 meters wide and 5,0 meters long.
It will be a parabola over maximum 6.0 square meters, in which open part will be minimum 40 percent and height minimum 2.2 meters.


Land-covered and F.A.R.

1.5.1 Standards for land-coverage and F.A.R. for different uses will be as follows: -
Sl no. Use group   Land-coverage F.A.R. Freehold units Additional units   Total units
(Percentage) (Number) (Number)    (Number)
1.   2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Area of plotted
Land in sq. m.
(Upto 50)    75 2.0 2 --- 2
>50-100    75 2.0 2 1 3
>100-300   65 1.75 3 2 5
>300-500   55 1.50 4 3 7
More than 500   45 1.25 5 4 8

A. In plotted area
i. Shops with facilities 60 1.20 ---- --- -----
ii. Marketing centers/ 40 1.20 ---- ----- -----
  Other shopping centres
B. Market street 40 1.20 ---- ----- -----
C. Plots of notified marketing area in
Mahayojna region
(In sq. meters)
Upto 500 50 1.30
>500-1000 40 1.75
More than 1000 30 2.00
3. Offices 40 1.50
Or 30 2.00
4. Education
(a) Primary and 35 0.80
Nursery schools
(b) High school 30 1.00
/Higher institutions
5. Community and
  Organized facilities 35 1.50
6. Storage space 35 0.80
7. Industrial
Area of the plot (sq. meters)
Upto 100 60 1.20
>100-450 60 1.00
>450-2000 55 0.80
>2000-12000 55 0.70
>12000-20,000 50 0.65
More than 20,000 50 0.60

Note: (i) The land-coverage and surface area of any plot will not be less than the permitted land-coverage and surface area of the land of least area and the calculation of land coverage will be on the telescopic pattern.
(ii) In residential use additional units on the plots larger than 100 square meters will be permitted by development authority/district magistrate by taking 10 percent fees of present general residential rate of prescribed circle rate (on total surface area of additional units.)
(iii) In constructed area and developing/underdeveloped areas, for financial, commercial and social facilities and establishments (such as, medical facilities and institutions etc.) and other uses, the purchasable F.A.R. will be maximum 20 percent additional of the permissible F.A.R. in the table above and maximum 33 percent in developing/underdeveloped area will be permitted according to the provision of ruling order no. 1157/9-aa-3-2-nee/89 dated 9.3.1999 (Appendix-7). If compensatory F.A.R. would have been given for any plot, then purchasable F.A.R. will be permitted only under the maximum limit of purchasable F.A.R.
(iv) Compensatory F.A.R. will be permitted for the plots affected from mahayojna/zonal plan/right-of-way of layout plan/land used for road extension or reserved land for public facilities, only if effected land will be transferred to the authority free-of- cost. Compensatory F.A.R. will be equal to 50 percent of the effected land but for that plot the maximum of 25 percent of the total F.A.R. on the remains land will be permitted.
(v) Maximum height of the buildings will be measured in context of roads and average of its near about.
(vi) Basement used for other uses excluding parking, machine room and electric and air-conditioning instruments, will be counted in basement.
1.5.2 Land-coverage
Park, uncovered swimming pool, open chabutara, boundary-wall, Jhoola, slider and favvaraa, uncovered stairs and parabola on licensed limit; chajja and porch (without roof) will not be included in covered land.
In institutional and official use
In multifloored buildings of institutional and official use, 5 percent of covered area but maximum 50 square meters additional area will be permissible for guard room, generator room, electric switch room, meters room and for tube-well.
1.5.3 Exception of height: -
The following supporting structures will not be included in the height of the building: -
Tank on the roof and its additional structures, which are not more than 2.0 meters high, air cooler, air-conditioner, lift room which is not higher than 4.50 meters and other such service instrument, stairs covered with mum tee and net higher than 3.0 meters, chimney, parapet wall and structures for glazing of the building, not higher than 1.5 meters even including barsati, the total area of such structures are not more than one-third of the area of the building roof.
Height of the buildings near aerodrome will be according to the orders issued time-to-time by Government of India.

Internal structures of building, size and area

3.6.1 Housing rooms
Minimum area of housing rooms will be 9.5 square meters and of 2.4 meters width.
Height of the ceiling to the floor of the rooms will be 2.75 meters.
In air-conditioned rooms, height of the lowest point of false ceiling or air-conditioning duct to the surface will be minimum 2. Meters.
Height below the beam will be minimum 2.45 meters.
In hostels of educational institutes, the minimum area of the room for one person will be 7.5 square meters.
3.6.2 Kitchen
Minimum are of the kitchen will be 5.0 square meters and minimum width 1.8 meters, but in plots having area 60 square meters or lesser, the minimum one kitchen permissible will be 3.5 square meters area and minimum width 2.4 meters.
Height of the ceiling of kitchen to floor will be minimum 2.75 meters.
In case of extra storeroom, the area of kitchen could be upto 4.5 square meters and minimum width 2.4 meters.
3.6.3 Bathroom and Toilets
Bathroom will be of minimum area 1.5 square meters and minimum width 1.0 meter.
In case of joint bathroom or toilet, the minimum surface area will be 2.8 square meters and minimum width 1.2 meters-
Minimum area of toilet will be 1.1 square meters, width 0.9 meters and height 2.2 meters.
One wall will be necessary to the side open space.
3.6.4 Mezzanine floor
Minimum area of mezzanine room will be 9.5 meters.
Total area of the mezzanine floor will be maximum 33 percent of plinth area of the building and minimum 2.2 meters height and it will be included in F.A.R.
Lighting and airing system for mezzanine floor will be as per standards.
1.6.5 Plinth
Plinth with appropriate facility for water draining will be 0.30 meter high to the surface level of the road or lands runarounds.
Internal courtyard and garage road/will be minimum 0.15 meter above the general surface level and having the system of water disposal.
The height of the approach path in the building and between the roads will be more than 0.15 meter. For the passage of vehicles, the length of the ramp over k.c. Drain will not be more than 1.0 meter to the land-border.
1.6.6 Loft
I. Maximum coverage of loft will be 25 percent of the room’s area.
II. A loft could be made over the corridor in habitable buildings.
III. Headroom will be maximum 1.0 meter.
IV. Headroom below loft will be of 2 meters.
1.6.7 Garage
Minimum area of the garage will be 13.75 square meters and minimum width 2.5 meters.
Minimum height of garage will be 2.4 meters.
1.6.8 Shops/show-rooms
Minimum carpet area covered 5 square meters and maximum 150 square meters will be permissible.
1.6.9 Other requirements
Other requirements of the building are fixed according to the national building code of Indian standard bureau.

Facility of lighting and airspace

3.7.1 Lighting in the rooms
For lighting and airing in the rooms, there will be one or more open parts e.g. windows, ventilation, which opens in the open parts or verandah of maximum width 3.0 meters.
The open portions as windows/ventilation in the rooms excluding doors will be of the minimum 10 percent of the surface area.
Any part of the room far than 7.5 meters to the open part will not be assumed lighted.
If lighting airspace in habitable rooms will be from open space, then the area of such open space for the building more than 10 meters high will be minimum 7.5 square meters and minimum width 2.5 meters. For the building of more than 10 meters height, the minimum width of the internal open space will be 3 meters and area will be equal to the 1/5 of the area of the highest wall joining it.
3.7.2 Kitchen
There will be a window of minimum 1.0 square meter or 10 percent of the surface area that is more and which directly opens towards interior or exterior open space.
3.7.3 Toilet and bathroom
Toilet and bathroom not opening to front, siding, backward or internal open space and verandah less than 3.0 meters wide, the airing will be through shaft, base and measure of which are as follows: -
Height of the building base of airing shaft minimum width of the shaft
(In meters) (In sq. meters) (In meters)
Upto 06 1.2 0.9
Upto 12 2.8 1.2
Upto 18 4.0 1.5
Upto 24 5.4 1.8
Upto 30 8.0 2.4
More than 30 9.0 3.0

There will be a system of entrance in shaft in building more than 10 meters height, for the proposed cleansing and preservation of airing shaft.
In buildings of more than 30 meters height, there will be a mechanical airing system also with the minimum airing shaft system.

Other Internal Structures

1.8.1 Stairs
I. In all buildings except residential buildings upto three storied will have an internal stair made of inflammable items.
II. No any staircase is covered runaround the lift by fireproof materials.
III. Empty and flammable construction will not be permitted.
IV. Minimum width of stairs in solo residential buildings is 1.0 meter, in group housing and guest housing it is 1.2 meters, in assembly hall and auditorium, cinema hall, theatre etc. it is 2.0 meters and in other buildings it will be 1.5 meters. But in solo residential buildings upto two floors it could be minimum 75 centimeters wide.
V. In residential buildings the width of internal stairs its paddy… will be 25 centimeters and in other buildings the paddy… will be 30 centimeters wide.
VI. In residential buildings the riser will be maximum 19 centimeters high and in other buildings it will be 15 centimeters high.
1.8.2 Boundary-wall
The maximum height of the front boundary-wall will be 1.65 meters higher than the middle-line of the road.
Backward and sidewall compound will be maximum 2.0 meters height or maximum 3.0 meters higher than the middle-line of service lane.
In corner land boundary-wall will not be higher than 1.65 meters according to the status of side roads.
Provision above cited will not be implied on jail, sanitarium, factory, offices and institutional buildings.


3.9.1 Structures/purposes
In residential and other buildings, basement construction equal to land-coverage will be permitted. Besides this the basement can be constructed under the courtyard and shaft also.
The basement used for other purposes excluding parking, machine room, electricity and air-conditioning instruments, will be counted in floor area (F.A.R.)
Basement construction will be permitted if the structural safety of attached property is assured or basement is 2.0 meters far than the side property.
The purpose of basement will be the following: -
(e) Storage of house goods, inflammable materials and other substances.
(f) Dark room
(g) Treasury, bank sealer etc.
(h) Air-conditioning apparatus or other machine, which are fitted for the necessary services to the building.
(i) Parking and garage.
(j) Store room or libraries.
(k) In case of air-conditioned offices and financial purpose.
3.9.2 Requirements for basement
The each surface to the ceiling height of basement will be minimum upto 2.4 meters.
According to the byelaws there will be appropriate airing in basement. Airing will be provided by mechanical airing and for the purpose or vyower…. exertion fans or air-conditioning system will be established.
The internal roof of the basement will be minimum 0.9 meter and maximum 1.2 meters high to the ground level of attached land.
The proper arrangement should be maintained to prevent the surface water flow to the basement.
The dehydration facility will be provided in context of soil and its hydration.
The proper number of exit will be made in the basement taking consideration for official and financial uses, such that you should not go more than 15 meters by foot.
Kitchen, bathroom and toilet will not be constructed in basement.
In commercial and official buildings, the second basement under first basement will be permitted, but in condition of appropriate airing system, it will be counted in F.A.R.


3.10.1 Area of car parking
For vehicles, in the side of the road or in separated provisions each parking standard will be equal to car parking, which have area not less than 13.75 square meter and it will have facility to park all kinds of vehicles, such as car, scooter, bicycle, halke…. or commercial vehicles.
3.10.2 Standards of parking
Sl no. Primeval equivalent car space
On per 100 sq. meters surface area
1. (A) city centre/general business district 1.50
(b) Sub urban centre 1.50
© Hotel, cinema, theatre, auditorium 1.50
2. (A) solo residence (more than three units) 1.25
(b) Group housing 1.25
© Community house, assembly hall, marriage hall 1.25
(d) Local sector market, shops of daily needs,
Bank, restaurant 1.25
(e) Hospitals 1.25
(f) Offices, court 1.25
(g) Social/cultural organizations, club 1.25
3. (A) Retail market 2.00
(b) Rental complex 2.00
© Stadium 2.00
(a) College, university etc high-level/
Technical educational institutes 0.50
(b) Industry, godown 0.50

3.10.3 The arrangement will be done besides the road with the provision of roads/proper exit.
3.10.4 Driveway and turning points of vehicles will be additional to the parking of all kinds provisioned in above-cited point no. 3.19.2.
3.10.5 Garages with clocking system for parking, will be counted in F.A.R., if they are not established in basement of the building or under the building based on stilts…. without outside wall. I. Parking will not be permitted in the courtyard compulsorily left runaround the buildings for fire safety in the 15 meters or more higher buildings.
In case of buildings of height less than 15 meters, the parking with condition that 3.6 meters distance to the building will having free to any kind of parking or loading-unloading work but in solo residence the prohibition of 3.6 meters distance will not apply.

Other compulsions and requirements

3.11.1 Fire escape or external-stairs
Fire scape will not be counted in the building area.
The entrance in fire scape will be far and different from internal stairs.
All fire scape will be connected directly to the land.
The passage to fire scape will be always barrier less excluding the gate to the fire scape, which have fireproof quality.
Fire scape will not be made of flammable materials.
The stairs of fire scape will have direct flight, which is not lesser than 75 centimeters width. Triad will not be less than 28 centimeters and riser more than 19 centimeters.
In one flight, the number of rises will be limited to 16.
Minimum height of hand-plate… will be 1.0 meter. Rounded stairs
Use of rounded stairs will be limited to low occupancy load and used in the building of height upto 10 meters, whenever it is not attached to the platform for safe exit and balcony and terrace.
It is attached to barge or terrace platform.
The diameter of the rounded stair will be minimum 150 centimeters and it had proper headroom. Ramp
I. General and maximum, the slope will be 1:10, but not more than 1:8 in any circumstances.
II. All requirements related to coverage capacity, circumference of length-width would be implied which are required for stairs.
III. Slope will be provisioned in special use, and in case of more than 1:10 slope a slipper less floor will be surfaced to protect from slipping.
3.11.3 Fire safety Requirements
Building, shall be planned, designed and constructed to ensure fire safety.
In case of multistoried buildings above 15 meters height and buildings with ore than 400 square meters ground coverage and all other buildings of industrial storage and hazardous type of use, the buildings scheme shall also be cleared by the local Fire Brigade Authority.
3.11.4 Distance from electric line
Minimum distances for licensing building construction/reconstruction according to Indian Electricity Rules are: -
Vertically 2.5 meters and horizontally 1.2 meters distance from low and medium voltage line and service line will be permitted.
In case of high voltage lines e.g. 33,000 volt, the vertical distance will be 3.7 meters and horizontally 2.0 meters.
Above 33000 volt the vertical distance from additional high voltage line 3.7 meter extra as per each 33000-volt or 0.3 meter for its part is necessary and horizontally 2.0 meters for each 33,000-volt or 0.3 meters for its part will be permitted.

Requirements for construction of hotels

4.1 Area of plot
In main commercial areas for the license for hotel there will be minimum area 1000 square meters, situated on the road of minimum 18 meters broad road is required.
In residential area, minimum 1000 square meters area and location on the road of minimum 18 meters width will be require for the license for maximum for maximum three star hotels.
In places notified in mahayojna/regional plans and sector/layout plan and in local commercial centres, the hotel could be made on the area less than that.
4.2 F.A.R. and land-coverage
In commercial areas, the maximum land-coverage will be 30 percent and F.A.R. 2.0. But in other uses/locations land coverage will be 20 percent and F.A.R. 1.25.
4.3 Set back
4.3.1 Main commercial areas
Buildings upto 10 meters height front set back will be 9 meters, back 3 meters and both sides 3-3 meters.
In buildings more than 10 meters height, the set back will be left according to byelaw no. 3.4.5.
4.3.2 Other areas
The maximum height of 4 storied and upto 15 meters construction will be permissible. Set back for hotels will be as per following: -
Sl. No. Height of the building set back in meters
(In meters) Front Back side-1 side-2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Upto 10 9.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
2. 10-15 9.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Note: For the plots upto 500 square meters area, the front set back will be 6.0. Other set back will be according to the table above cited.

Requirements for building Nursing homes

5.1 Area of the plot
The minimum area will be 500 square meters, front is minimum 15 meters width and is situated on the road of minimum 12 meters width.
For the permission of nursing homes in residential area, the set back will have to left runaround.
In residential building, consultancy chamber will be permitted; under those total 20 square meters covered area will be permitted including one doctors room and two beds.
5.2 F.A.R. and land-coverage
Maximum land-coverage will be 40 percent and F.A.R. 1.20.
5.3 Height
Maximum height will be 15 meters.
5.4 Set back
Nursing homes will be in the form of differentiated building and set back will be as follows: -
Height of the building Area of the plot set back (in meters)
(In meters) (In square meters) Front back side-1 side-2
Upto 10 500-1000 9.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
>1000 9.0 4.5 3.0 3.0
10-15 >500 9.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Requirements for the construction of Farmhouses

6.1 Purpose
Farming and plantation, pig/ trout/ poultry farm, dairy and animal husbandry etc.
6.2 Area of the plot
Minimum 0.5 hectare (5000 square meters).
6.3 Land-coverage
Maximum land coverage 5 percent but maximum 500 square meters, in which maximum 2 percent of the total area will be for residential units and servant quarters.
6.4 Height restrictions
Farmhouse will be one-storied. The maximum height of permanent/temporary construction is 5.0 metes to the ground level; average height of the triangular/gravel/double gravel.roof will be 6 meters, minimum height 4.5 meters and maximum height 7.5 meters. Mezzanine floor will not be permissible.
Maximum height of the farm-shade will not be ore than 4.5 meters and height on eye-level is 3.0 meters.
Boundary-wall made of chinai will not be higher than 1.0 meter.
6.5 Specialties
Shade will be made of stilts; height of the wall will not be more than 1.2 meters. Netting will cover rest of height. …Or such materials.
6.6 Set back
The distance between building and boundary line of the plot will be minimum 15 meters excluding guardroom.
In residential unit and other constructions it will be minimum 8 meters.
Set back of Farm house to the road will be as follows: -
Sl no. Grade of the road Set back from the mid-point of
The road (distance)
1. National highway- 75 meters width 75 meters
2. State highway/urban road, 45 meters width 60 meters
3. Main roads/30 meters width 30 meters
4. Rural/other roads 30 meters
6.7 Roads
Approach path to the farm will be minimum 9 meters width, in it minimum 3.5 meters wide path will be water bound.
The internal path under the farmhouse will be of minimum 3.5 meters width by that reach to farmhouse and other buildings can be possible.
6.8 Arboriculture
Plantation will be done over 50 percent part of the plot, in which minimum 100 tree per hectare will be planted.
6.9 Electricity and Services
Landowner itself will do the management of electricity, water supply and water draining in the farmhouse.
6.10 Septic tank
Septic tank will be 15 meters far away from the well etc, to prevent the ground water from pollution. The tank will be at the distance of 4.5 meters to the boundary-wall.

Requirement for the construction of Petrol pump/filling stations

7.1 Functionality
For petrol filling station/petrol filling station-cum-service station kiosk in minimum 10 square meters area is permissible under the permitted land-coverage.
7.2 Measures and standards of plots
For filling station/filling station-cum-service station, the minimum area, measures and standards of plots will be as follows: -
Purpose/measures of plot land-coverage F.A.R. Front setback   Height of
(Percentage)     (In meters) the building
Filling station
(i) 18 meters.15 meters  10 0.1 3.0 6.0
(ii) 20m.17m 10 0.1 3.0 6.0
Filling station-
Cum-service station
(i) 30m.30m 20 0.2 6.0 6.0
(ii) 33m. 45m 20 0.2 6.0 6.0

Note: I. Canopy construction could be done under the set back line equal to permissible land coverage.
II.If mezzanine floor is constructed; it will be counted in F.A.R.
A plot situated in civil or rural areas and is more than 33 meters. 4 meters, the permissible land coverage and F.A.R. of 33 meters. 45 meters will be permitted.
7.3 Other requirements
Minimum parking area for a petrol filling station/petrol filling station-cum-service station will be 80 square meters.
The permission for petrol filling station/petrol filling station-cum-service station will be given at the minimum distance of 30 meter to the crossing of mahayojna.
There will be no barrier near the plot of petrol filling station/petrol filling station-cum-service station, which cannot be clearly visible for the vehicles coming or going outside to the petrol filling station area on the regional roads.
The roads coming and going outside to the petrol filling station/petrol filling station –cum-service station will be minimum 9 meters width.
Provision for buffer strip is necessary between regional road and petrol-filling station/petrol filling station-cum-service station is necessary, which will be minimum 12 meters land and 3 meters wide.
Fire station facility will have to be assured as per rules.
Other provisions, wanted by Indian petroleum and explosive act will be applied.

Requirements for L.P.G. gas storage

8.1 Approach path Approach path to the place will be of minimum 18 meters.
8.2 Area Minimum area of the plot will be 1000 square meters.
8.3 Set back Minimum 9.0 meters set back will be for gas storage.
8.4 Size of shade Shade constructed for L.P.G. gas storage will be of minimum size 12 meters. 15 meters.
8.5 Height of the building Minimum height of the gas storage will be 6 meters or no construction over it will be permitted.
8.6 Airspace Minimum 10 percent area of surface level area will be for airspace in the form of doors, windows and ventilators etc.
8.7 Other requirements
Inflammable materials will make gas storage.
No objection certificate from local fire Brigade department and chief controller, explosive will be necessary for the construction of gas storage.

Standards for giving facilities to physically handicapped persons

9.1 Definitions
9.1.1 Physical inabilities: Such inability, which makes a person dependable on wheel chair without any kind of appearance, for all practical purposes.
9.1.2 Semi-physical inabilities: The incapability’s by which people faces difficulty or insecurity in walking. Persons moving on lathi, bamboo or baisakhi, gathiya patient mentally retarded person and patient of heart are included in this category.
9.1.3 Hearing-power inability: Deafness or illness of hearing high voice, suffering from which a person feels insecure in public places because of incapability to hear-comprehend the warning signals.
9.1.4 Sightless: Weakness of sight or total blindness, the people suffering from which feels insecurity or danger in moving on public places and doing work.
9.1.5 Wheel chair: The chair used for moving a person the standard size of wheel chair will be 1050. 750 millimeters.
9.2 Effectiveness
The byelaw will be effective on all buildings of public uses, places for public convenience. The byelaw would not applicable on private and governmental residences.
9.3 Land development
The surface levels of the roads, entry path and parking spots will be highlighted with different colours in area maps.
9.3.1 Entry-streets/bye-lane
The path between entrance gate to the building premises gate and ground parking will be plane, stair less and of minimum 1.8 meters width. If any slope has been made, its slope will not be more than 5 percent. The material used for the construction of floor is such that it guides or directs the person of weaker eyesight. The floor-material will be colored having different colour to near about materials and having system of different sound-signals to guide the persons of weaker eye-sight, the details for it will be given in path indicator materials…(appendix-1). Ground level is slipper less and the construction is such that a wheel chair will move easily, the turning made will be according to the general ground level
9.3.2 Parking
For handicapped persons, parking system for their vehicles will be as per following: -
For the parking of vehicles of handicapped persons the parking for two cars will be made near the entrance of the campus, which will be maximum 30 meters far from the entrance gate.
Minimum width of the parking place will be 3.6 meters.
A notice on capital/clear letters will be pasted on the place as reserved for wheel-chair users.
Any signal or instrument will be applied on the parking lot, which will be of voiced nature or any similar nature, which can guide the person of weaker eyesight.
9.4 Building related requirements
The building related facilities for physically handicapped persons would be as per following: -
I. Approach path upto plinth level.
II. Corridor for connecting entrance/exit for handicapped.
III. Stairs
IV. Lift
V. Toilet
VI. Drinking water
9.4.1 Approach path upto plinth level
An entrance should be must for passage to the handicapped persons and it should be shown with clear symbols. A passage with slope-cum-stair will be made to reach this entrance. Sloppy approach path
Sloppy surface for entrance of the building will make of rough materials. Minimum width of the slope will be minimum 1.8 meters with slope f maximum 1:12. Length of slope will not more than 9.0 meters and 0.8 meter high railing will be made in its both sides, which is 0.3 meter outside to the upper or lower edge of the sloping. The space between nearest wall and railing will be 5.0 centimeters. Approach path with stairs
Triad for approach path with stairs will not less than 30 centimeters and riser will be 15 centimeters. The railing will be same as their sloppy approach path as both sides having 80 centimeters height. Entrance/exit:
Minimum opening of entrance will be 90 centimeters and for easy movement of wheel chair no triad railing will be made. Doorstep will not be higher than 1.2 centimeters.
9.4.2 Corridor connecting entrance/exit for handicapped
Corridors connecting exit/entrance for handicapped and for moving outside, where information for using the building by person of weaker eye sight will be given by symbols or any person is available, will be as per following: -
For weak eyesight persons guidance a sounding system will be set on the surface or any instrument is established so that sounding signal can be given.
Minimum width of the corridor will be 1.5 meters.
In case of construction of upward or downwards surface the slope will be 1:12.
Railings will be set on slopes/sloppy lane.
9.4.3 Street with stairs
Through street with stairs street near entrance/exit for handicapped persons will have following provisions: -
Minimum width will be 1.35 meters.
The height and width of the stairs will not be more than 15 centimeters and 30 centimeters respectively and the edges of triad will not be smooth edged.
In single flight there will be no more stairs than 12.
Railing will be settled n the both sides of the stairs and it is outside 30 centimeters for upward to downwards on whole stairs.
9.4.4 Lift
Where lift is necessary according to the byelaw, minimum one lift will be for wheel-chair users. The recommended structure of lift having 11 persons capacity by Indian Standard Bureau will be as follows: -
Internal deepness 1.1 meters
Internal width 2.0 meters
Width of entrance 0.9 meters
0.6 meters long railing will be established near controlling slot over 1.0 meter from surface level.
Internal measurement of lift well will not be less than 1.8. 1.8 meter.
The automatic closing time of lift will be minimum 5 seconds and speed of closure will not be less than 0.25 meters/second.
A sound system will set under lift gate which will give a symbol of reaching floor, opening and closing of lift gate.
9.4.5 Toilets
In toilet set, a toilet with commode will be made for handicapped, in which a washbasin near its gate will be set for their convenience.
Minimum size of toilet will be 1.5. 1.75 meters.
Door open able outside and minimum width will be 90 centimeters.
There will be a parallel railing to the wall at the distance of 5.0 centimeters in toilet.
The seat of commode will be 50 centimeters high.
9.4.6 Drinking water
Drinking water facility for handicapped person will be near the toilet.
9.4.7 Building for children
Buildings used for only children, the railing and height of other glazing facilities will be less or more keeping the height of children in mind.

Path indicator/danger signal floor material
Path indicator for persons of weaker eyesight the different colored/elements and clearly visible material of different indications are called Path indicator or danger signal indicator material. Having different structures moving on that with stick sounds sensation/alertness indicator voice/sound. This path indicator/danger signal floor material indicates direction and gives danger indicator. The material is used in following areas: -
Approach path to buildings and parking lots.
Notice board, reception room, lift, near stairs, passages for handicapped persons and such areas.
Such places where sudden slope occurs, or first and last of the slope.
Just front side of entrance and places used for moving down to the vehicles.
Proper indicators: - The special facilities in the building for handicapped person should be indicated by proper symbols for the person of the weaker eye-sight uses hearing and touching sensation to cover the discrepancies, but visual indicators are helpful for hearing handicapped persons.
Indications were made of letters of proper size and placed (not higher than 20 centimeters), such that they were read easily. For person of weaker eyesight the notice should be in brail scriptures and will be placed on the notice board at proper height and will be easily reachable. No any indication will be placed on the place, uneasy for safe passage and interrupt the movement. In busy public places the miking system shall be set up.
All symbols/information’s were placed in different and shiny colours, such that person of weaker eyesight can also differentiate it. The international indications will be used on for wheel chair, easy lift for handicapped, toilet, stairs, parking area etc.

Requirements for construction of cold storages

10.1 Area of plot The minimum area of the plot will be 1000 square meters and its front will be minimum 25.0 meters wide and is situated on the road of minimum 12.0 meters width.
10.2 Construction of boundary-wall The construction of the boundary-wall of cold storages will be 45 meters far from the mid-point of national and state highway and 22.5 meters far away from mid-point of district and other mahayojna roads.
10.3 Set back, land-coverage and height standard: -
Sl no. Area of plot set back (in meters) land-coverage   height
(In sq. meters) Front   Back   Side-1   Side-2 (in %)   (In meters)
1. 1000 to 2000 9.0    4.5 4.5   4.5 30 12.0
2. >2000 to 5000 12.0 4.5 4.5  4.5 30 15.0
3. >5000 to 10000 15.0 9.0 6.0 6.0 35 15.0
4. >10000 to 30000 18.0 9.0 7.5 7.5 35 16.5
5. More than 30000 21.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 35 18.0
For machine room, generator room, chowkidars room 5 percent additional (maximum 250 sq. m.) land coverage will be permitted.
10.4 Requirements for parking and exit In cold storage for loading-unloading of goods each 550 cubic meter or storage density of its part one truck parking of 3.5+3.5 meters will be made, the provision for parking will be additional to the set back. Parking will be made by concrete.

10.5 Other requirements I. For each cold storage a license letter of horticulture department and no-objection certificate to fire station will have to assured.
II.For construction of cold storage other wanted no-objection certificates will have to get for example, air force, irrigation, railway, public works department, national highway etc.
Completion certificate will be issued after the joint inspection of district horticulture officer, authorized officer of authority and chief fire officer.
For the demolition of construction of cold storage, 10 percent rebate will be made in the maximum permissible land-coverage prescribe in Para 10.3.

Requirements for commercial uses in zone-one and old areas of the city

11.1 Standards for the roads less than 6.0 meters width
Shops built on the roads less than 6.0 meter width, will be demolished in new construction In olden areas and permission will be made for construction of shops in front upto 6.0 meters depth on the road-side. For the purpose 1.25-meter front set back will have to been left.
11.2 For roads of 6.0 meters to 9.0 meters width:
Sl no. Area   Set back (in meters) land coverage F.A.R. no. Shops permit. Depth min. width
Of plot    Front   Backward         (in %) maximum     on road side or min. front (m)
1. 2 3        4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Upto 200 6.0 ---- 50 1.0 2 15.0 6.0
2. >200-500 6.0 --- 50 1.0 5 15.0 7.5
3. >500-1000 6.0 3.0 50 1.0 8 15.0 9.0
4. More than 1000 6.0 3.0 50 1.0 15 15.0 12.0

11.3 For roads of 9.0 meters to 18.0 meters width
1. Upto 200 6.0 --- 60 1.0 5 18.0 7.5
2. >200 to 500 6.0 ---- 50 1.0 8 18.0 7.5
3. >500 to 1000 9.0 3.0 45 1.0 12 18.0 9.0
4. More than 1000 9.0 3.0 40 1.0 20 18.0 12.0

11.4 For roads of 18.0 meters to 30 meters width
1. Upto 200 7.5 --- 60 1.25 whole surface 21.0 6.0
2. >200 to 500 7.5 --- 50 1.25 whole surface 21.0 7.5
3. >500 to 1000 9.0 3.0 40 1.50 ground and first floor 21.0 9.0
4. More than 1000 9.0 3.0 40 1.50 whole surface 21.0 15.0

11.5 Standard for roads more than 30.0 meters width
1. Set back Front backward part
Unto 500 sq. meters 9.0meters ----
More than 500 sq. meters 9.0 meters 3.0 meters
2. Land-coverage 40%
3. F.A.R. 1.50
4. Minimum width of front 12.0 meters
5. Permissible depth to roadside 45.0 meters
6. Other provisions will be according to the byelaws.
11.6 Other requirements I. The commercial use on first floor will be permitted in condition of the plots more than 300 square meters and situated on road more than 12 meters width, and in other situation the first and other floors will be permissible for residential uses only.
II. Other provision will be according to the byelaws.

Application format for development/redevelopment
(Byelaw no. 2.1.1)

Vice president
Development authority
I hereby present (in two copies) with the application form that I am desirous of development/redevelopment in Sara no. ------------ plot no. ---------- street/lane ------------ Mohalla/market ----- city --------- and apply for that in context of building byelaw according to concerned byelaw no. 2.1.1. And included four copies of signed maps and specialties (Para 1 to 6), and also signed by licensed technologist -----(name in capital letters) ----------- license no.-------- who will do the supervision of development work and includes each detail/format (Para 7 to 9)
1. Key plan
2. Site plan
3. Status map in mahayojna
4. Surface level map
5. Services plan
6. Specialties
7. Ownership certificate
8. Attested copy of application fees.
9. Essential information and document
I beg to say that please approve the plan and give acceptance for land-development.
Signature of owner
Name of owner--------------
(In capital letters)
Date: - owners address-------------

Information of work initiation on land development
(Byelaw n0. 2.1.6)

Vice president
Development authority
I hereby certify that the land development work on khasra no.-------- plot no.----------- street/lane------------ mohalla/market --------- situated in city ------------, will be commencing by your acceptance letter dated -------- and according to map no. ----------- dated -------------, which will be inspected by licensed technologist (name) --------------license no. ------------.
Signature of owner
Name of owner------------------
(In capital letters)
Date: Address of owner ------------

Application form for completion certificate of configuration map
(Byelaw no. 2.1.8)

1. I. Name of Applicant   --------------------
2. II. Present Address -----------------------------
3.Khasra/plot no.
And name of plan (mohalla) ward -----------------------
4. Area of plot (in sq. meters) ----------------------
5. Accepted land-use --------------------
6. I. Date of configuration map -------------------
  II. Permit no. ------------------
If adjustment of unauthorized development, then copy of adjustment map and date (attach certificate)
7. Details of land-use
Sl no. According to accepted maps
Area (sq. m.) Percentage area percentage area percentage
Park and open space
Streets and lanes
8. Status of facilities
Facilities in accepted map actual status
Number area of plot whole no. Incomplete no. Area (sq. m.)
Primary school
Higher secondary school
Post office
Community centre
Police station
Fire station
Telephone exchange
Bus stand
Tempo/taxi stand
Other facilities
8. Describe following development work on maps: -
Arboriculture in the road-side
Street-lighting system
Water supply system in which all sluis value, fire hydrant, is shown and diameter of the underground water pump is being written.
Status and capacity of overhead tank and underground ponds, status of tube-well and its capacity, no. Of pumps and its capacity.
Sewer system in which diameter of pipes, manholes with invert level, status of lane/pittus……
Sewage, pumping station status, capacity and number of pumps and capacity (if developed by developer).
System of rainwater disposal.
Details f electricity supply system in which status of transformers and 11 K.V.A. sub-station and status of transformers and its capacity has been mentioned.
Final disposal of sewer/system for connection in trunk service of development authority.
10.Status of connection of city establishment system/arrangement
Water draining and connecting it to trunk nalas.
Drinking water facility (connection system to watering institution/development authority)
Electricity supply system (status of connection to 33 KVA line)
Status of sever/connection to trunk sewer.
10. Internal changes in configuration map: -
I. Is under the byelaw/not under the byelaw yes/no
II. If against byelaws, has it been adjusted yes/no
11. Information about standards and specialties of development works.
There will be no deviation with the configuration map to the accepted standards and specialties of developmental works.
There is deviation in standard and specialties of development works, which have been approved by the concerned department (certificate is attached). Now there is no any deviation that is not accepted by competent authority.
Certificate of applicant
This is certifying that details given above are true in my personal information. Land distribution in configuration map is according to byelaw. So, please issue a completion certificate for me/us.
Signature of authorized applicant
Note: the person authorized to apply only will give the above information. The certificate of authorization will be enclosed.

Completion certificate of development work by structural engineer

----------Situated under ward/region/plan ------------- inspected by me to date --------- and all information made above are found correct by land inspection. In this context my inspection report is as per following: -
All development works -------------- are according to the preplanned and accepted standards and specialties by the development authority.
Development plan is according to accepted configuration map/applied byelaws by development authority.
Deviation from accepted map in development plan are mentioned in sl. no. 10 and adjustment has been completed for the adjustable deviation. In that situation it is recommended to issue completion certificate.
Signature of structural engineer
License no. ------------------------
Date: - Validity period of license-------

Remarks of development authority and completion certificate
-----------Ward/plan/mohalla/region ------------ situated at plot no. ----------- the examination of certificate about development plan--------- has been done by development authority and found correct as per standards. Therefore a completion certificate is being issued under section-15 (A)-2 under Uttar Pradesh City Plan and Development Act.
Signature --------------
Date: office seal -------------

Appendix 4(A)
Application format for Alteration/re-construction or addition in building
(Byelaw no. 3.1.2)

Agra Development Authority
I apply for addition or alteration in plot no. -------------- Sara no. --------- on/in building no.-----mohalla/market --------- colony/street ------- under building byelaws no. 3.1.2 and following copies of map and specialties (Para 1 to 4) by me and structural engineer --------------------- (name in capital letters) ---------- license no. -------- who will supervise the construction work, is signed by them and other declarations and required format are enclosed (Para 5 to 6).
1. Site map
2. Building map
3. Services and map
4. General specialties
5. Land-ownership certificate
6. Photocopy of the acknowledgement receipt of application fees.
Please give acceptance for the construction above-cited and give permission for work.
Signature of owner
Name of owner------------
(In capital letters)
Date: Address of owner -------------------

Appendix 4(B)
Application format for Alteration/re-construction or addition in building
(For self-acceptance of map)
(Byelaw no. 3.1.2)

Agra Development Authority
I apply for addition or alteration in plot no. -------------- Sara no. --------- on/in building no.-----mohalla/market --------- colony/street ------- under building byelaws no. 3.1.2 and following copies of map and specialties (Para 1 to 4) by me and structural engineer --------------------- (name in capital letters) ---------- license no. -------- who will supervise the construction work, is signed by them and other declarations and required format are enclosed (Para 5 to 6).
Enclosed (Para 5 to 6).
1.Site map
2.Building map
3.Services and map
4.General specialties certificate
6.photocopy of the acknowledgement receipt of application fees.
7.deposit plan fees amount---------
8. Supervision fees amount-------
(At the rate Rs. 5/- per sq. m. covered area)
9. Garbage fee amount-------
(At the rate Rs. 11/- per sq. m. covered area)
10. Strengthening fees amount--------
At the rate Rs. 26/- per sq. m. covered area
(The fees will be collected 10 percent extra per year from 1998-99)
Total fees deposited----------
Rs. (in words) -----------------
Please give acceptance for the construction above-cited and give permission for work.
Signature of building owner
Name of building owner
(In capital letters)-------------------
Date: - Address of building owner (permanent)

Certificate by structural engineer
It is certify that the map attached is of the plot of accepted and transferred colony to municipal corporation or self-developed/constructed by authority and old region, on which construction/reconstruction/repairing map is correct according to provisions and byelaw of mahayojna and I have calculated the fees for it. The building constructed and under construction as per the structure map is/will is used for residential purpose. There will be no any encroachment to the public land/park/street by this map.
Signature of structural engineer
License no. -----------------------
Validity period of license-------

Page no.  70 to 98


Format for giving information of commencement of building construction
(Byelaw no. 3.1.4)

Agra Development Authority
I certify that my building no. -------- sara no. -------- situated in city -----------, the construction, reconstruction, alteration or adjustment work will be commencing from date --------- on map no. Accepted by you. -------And in the supervision of licensing technologist license no. -------- name --------.

Signature of the building owner
Name of the building owner
(In capital letters)
Date: - Address of land owner


Application format for completion certificate of solo residential buildings
(Byelaw no. 3.1.4)
(Only for plot of area more than 100 square meters)

I. Name of Applicant ---------------
II. Present Address ----------------
Plot no. and name of scheme/mohalla/ward -------------------
Area of the plot (in sq. meters) ----------------------------
Permissible use of the building ---------------------------
I. Acceptance date of building map
II. Permit no. ------------------
III. If self-approved, then details of provision (A/B)
Area of plot upto 100 to 300 sq. meters and
Certified by eligible architect ------------------
(Name of architect and registration no. and date of certification) Describe ----------------------------
30 day period from the date of submission of map ---------------
and enclose its attested copy ----------------------
In case of non-issuance of the license within 30 days period.
(Enclose attested copies of date of submission of map and receipt no.)
I. If unauthorized construction is demolished them
Write map no. -----------------------------
Date of depositing of demolition fees and receipt no.----
Receipt no. and enclose attested copy of demolition map. Date---
Status of construction (Builder give the description according to accepted map/demolition map, whichever is applied.)

Sl. No. Provision Permissible Constructed Accepted/demolished
1    2 3 4 5

1.1 Set back (distance in meters)
(a) Front
(b) Back
(c) Left
(d) Right

1.2 Basement (area in sq. meters)
1.3 Amenities
(a) Supply yes/no
(b) Disposal of sewage yes/no
© Water draining yes/no
(d) Electricity supply yes/no
1.4 Internal alteration in building
(a) Under the byelaw yes/no
(b) If against byelaw, demolition will be completed yes/no

It is certify that the description made above is correct in my/our personal information. No any such unauthorized construction takes place, which have not been demolished. So that construction over the said building should permit.

Signature of applicant
Date: authorized to apply
(With certificate of authorization)

Certificate of licensed technologist after completion of solo building
I have made inspection of the building no. --------- on date ----------. All the information’s given above are found correct after examination. My remarks are following: -
Building constructed is according to accepted map/accepted demolition map by development authority.
The alteration in the building constructed, in accepted map or accepted demolition map has been noticed in serial no.-7.
The part of the building not for demolition has been demolished, remain construction is according to accepted map/accepted demolition map.
In above condition issuance of completion certificate is recommended.

Signature ---------------------
Name/ Address---------------
Registration no. ------------
Date: - Period of license validity-----

Remarks of development authority and completion certificate

Development authority have examined the above-cited certificate of building constructed on plot no. ----------- situated at ----------------under ward/scheme/mohalla/sector ----------- and found it as per standards. So the completion certificate has being issued under Uttar Pradesh City Plan and Development Act, 1973 section 15(2).
Due to following reasons no certification/site inspection is necessary. So completion certificate is being issued: -
Date: Office seal ---------------


Application form for completion certificate for unresidential/multifloored buildings
(Byelaw no. 3.1.6)

1. I. Name of applicant -----------------------
Present Address---------------------------
2.Plot no. And name of scheme/
  mohalla/ward --------------------------------
3.Area of plot (in sq. m.) -------------------
4. Permissible use of the building ----------------------
5. I. Building map acceptance date ----------------
    II.Permit no. -------------------
    III.In self- approved, description of provisions
In case of non-issuance of license within 90 days period of submission date of map, date of map submission and receipt no. and enclose its attested copies. -------
6. I. If unauthorized construction is demolished, then give demolition map no.-------
Date of submission of demolition fees and receipt no. and attested copies of demolition map are enclosed. -------------------------
7. Status of construction
Sl no. Provision Permissible constructed accepted/demolished from deviation
1    2 3 4 5

Ground-coverage (percentage)
Set back (distance in meters)
(a) Front
(b) Back
(c) Left
(d) Right
Basement (area in sq. meters)
Parking (area in sq. meters)
Height of the building
No. Of storey
8.Firesafety related arrangements
(Enclose complements certificate of fire officer fighting system)

Show facilities on map
Water supply
Disposal of wastes
Water draining
Electricity supply
Telecom wiring (enclose completion certificate of lift by chief electrical Inspector, U.P.)
Garbage suit
Aviation lights in the condition of situated in aviation area.
      (Enclose air authority certificate)
Internal alteration in the building
(a) Under the byelaw
(b) If against byelaw then it has been adjusted

Certified that details above cited are correct in my/our personal information. Under the applied byelaw no such unauthorized construction exists which will not have demolished. So, issuance will be made for completion certificate on the said plot.
Signature of applicant
Authorized to apply (with certificate)

Note: 1. Above information will be made only by the authorized person for application. The certificate of authorization will be enclosed.
2. You will have to submit separate application for each block of the building complex.

Certificate of licensed technologist after completion of unresidential multifloored building

Certified that I have made inspection of the plot no./khasra no.---- ---------of building no. ----------construction/reconstruction/alteration/addition work. All the informations given above are correct. My remarks in this context are following: -
Building constructed is according to accepted map/accepted demolition map by development authority.
The alteration in the building constructed, in accepted map or accepted demolition map has been noticed in serial no.-7.
Building is appropriate for the purpose it will construct. It is of good quality and safe on the basis of structure. Building is purely appropriate and safe for housing.
So, issuance of completion certificate is recommended.

Signature ---------------------
Registration no. ------------
Date: - Name/address ------------------
Period of license validity-----

Remarks of development authority and completion certificate
 ----------------under ward/scheme/mohalla/sector -----------situated plot no. --------- constructed building has been examined the certificate above-mentioned, by development authority and found it as per standards. So the completion certificate has being issued under Uttar Pradesh City Plan and Development Act, 1973 section 15(2).

Date: Office seal ---------------


Application form for completion certificate of group housing
(Byelaw no. 3.1.6)

1. I. Name of applicant -----------------------
Present Address---------------------------
2.Plot no. and name of scheme/
  mohalla/ward --------------------------------
3.Area of plot (in sq. m.) -------------------
4. Permissible use of the building ----------------------
5. I. Building map acceptance date ----------------
    II.Permit no. -------------------
    III.In self- approved, description of provisions
In case of non-issuance of license within 90 days period of submission date of map, date of map submission and receipt no. and enclose its attested copies.-------
6. I. If unauthorized construction is demolished, then give demolition map no.-------
    II. Date of submission of demolition fees and receipt no. and attested copies of demolition map are enclosed. -------------------------
7. Status of construction
Sl no. Provision Permissible constructed accepted/demolished from deviation
1    2 3 4 5

7.1ground-coverage (percentage)
7.2 F.A.R.
7.3Set back (distance in meters)
(e) Front
(f) Back
(g) Left
(h) Right
7.4 Basement (area in sq. meters)
7.5 Parking (area in sq. meters)
7.6 Facilities
(i) Water supply yes/no
(ii) Disposal of wastes yes/no
(iii) Water draining yes/no
(iv) Electricity supply yes/no
(v) Telecom arrangement yes/no

8.internal alteration in the building
(a) Under the byelaw yes/no
(b) If against byelaw then it has been adjusted yes/no

Certified that details above cited are correct in my/our personal information. Under the applied byelaw no such unauthorized construction exists which will not have demolished. So, issuance will be made for completion certificate on the said plot.
Signature of applicant
Authorized to apply (with certificate)

Note: 1. Above information will be made only by the authorized person for application. The certificate of authorization will be enclosed.
3. You will have to submit separate application for each block of the building complex.

Certificate of licensed technologist after completion of group housing

Certified that I have made inspection of the plot no./khasra no.---- ---------of building no. ----------construction/reconstruction/alteration/addition work. All the information given above is correct. My remarks in this context are following: -
Building constructed is according to accepted map/accepted demolition map by development authority.
The alteration in the building constructed, in accepted map or accepted demolition map has been noticed in serial no.-7.
Building is appropriate for the purpose it will construct. It is of good quality and safe on the basis of structure. Building is purely appropriate and safe for housing.
So, issuance of completion certificate is recommended.

Signature ---------------------
Registration no. ------------
Date: - Name/address ------------------
Period of license validity-----

Remarks of development authority and completion certificate
 ----------------under ward/scheme/mohalla/sector -----------situated plot no. --------- constructed building has been examined the certificate above-mentioned, by development authority and found it as per standards. So the completion certificate has being issued under Uttar Pradesh City Plan and Development Act, 1973 section 15(2).

Date: Office seal ---------------


Assessment of purchasable F.A.R.
Uttar Pradesh Government
Housing section-3
Lucknow : Date 9 March 1999


Because of increasing population the township are increasing and as a result of horizontal expansion of the cities it seems necessary to increase the permissible construction on land/F.A.R. to ensure the optional use of agricultural land. But in increase in F.A.R. will increase population density and after that pressure on establishments facilities will increase. So, in lieu of increase in F.A.R. a rational amount of land value will be taken from land owner/builder and is used for enrichment/expansion of establishment facilities and in this regard to re-assess the purchasable F.A.R. it is necessary to make permitted F.A.R. purchasable according to current mahayojna/regional planning/ Building construction control byelaw/ruling order in the cities listed below.
And objections and suggestions were invited by public notice dated 27 and 28 September 1998, ruling order no. 2946/9-B-3-1998 and on the basis of those objection and suggestion a committee organized by government made a final provisions after proper consideration. So according to demand of Governor directs for necessary provisions for by immediate effect that, U.P., sub-section (4) of section-13 of City Planning and Development Act 1973, by advertisement no. 2946/9-B-3-1998 date 17.9.1998 after prior publishing and under sub section (4) of said section-13 as the case may be to make permissible F.A.R. as purchasable in mahayojna, regional development plans and building construction controlling byelaws: -
In constructed area and Developing/undeveloped area maximum 20 percent of the basic F.A.R. will be permitted for commercial, community and social amenities and establishments (e.g. medical facilities, educational institutions etc.) and maximum 33 percent in developing/undeveloped regions.
The provision of purchasable F.A.R. will not be applied in solo residence and industrial land-use.
For group housing, additional ratio will not implied on purchasable additional F.A.R.
Constructed area and Developing/undeveloped region will be defined as per following: -
Constructed area means the area, which is defined in mahayojna in this context. The cities where mahayojna is not in existence or constructed area is not defined, a provision for this purpose may be apply soon by taking decision at Development authority board level. In this context such high density areas are defined as constructed region where the maximum part is developed as commercial, industrial, industrial or housing area and where necessary facilities e.g. roads, water supply, electricity supply are available.
(b) Developing/underdeveloped area means the area, which is outside to constructed region, but is under development region.
(v) For the preservation of cultural, historical and architectural designing important places as heritage and civil aviation region of the cities whose border is assessed by Authority Board or the maximum floor area ratio and height of the building prescribed in mahayojna will be controlled by provisions and other applied restrictions.
(vi) Purchasable F.A.R. is an enabling provision, it will not be permissible to use as a right by any applicant. The authority board will notify such regions time-to-time as per traffic density of the place, status of approach path and establishment facilities, distance from reserved monuments/heritage area or planning where purchasable additional F.A.R. will be permitted.
(vii) The calculation of fees for purchasable F.A.R. will be as per the process mentioned in enclosure on current value/rate of the land.
(viii) For purchasable F.A.R. application will be submitted at the time of building license and F.A.R. fees will be received before map acceptance for application.
(ix) Authority will deposit 90 percent income in establishment account obtained from F.A.R. sell.

List of Development regions (where mahayojna is applied)

1. Kanpur 2. Lucknow 3. Varanasi
4. Agra 5. Allahabad 6. Merrut
7. Bareily 8. Gaziabad 9. Gorakhpur
10. Aligarh 11. Muradabad 12. Saharanpur
13. Jhansi 14. Deharadun 15. Mathura-Vrindavan
16. Firozabad-Shikohabad 17. Haridwar-Rishikesh
18. Faizabad 19. Bulandshahar-Khurja
20. Raibareily 21. Unnav-Shuklaganj
22. Banda 23. Muzaffarnagar
24. Hapur-Pilkhua

Calculation process of purchasable F.A.R.

For purchasable F.A.R. the land necessary according to permissible F.A.R in mahayojna/building byelaw/ruling order, a part of the present value of that land will be calculates by the following process, which will be payable as F.A.R. fees by applicant: -
C =Le. Re.5
C= charge
Le= rational land necessary for purchasable F.A.R. (sq. m.) i.e. fp.100/F.A.R.
Fp= Permissible floor area according to purchasable F.A.R. (in sq.m.)
F.A.R.= Permissible floor area ratio (F.A.R.) according to mahayojna/building byelaw.
Re= Present Sector (residential) rate of development authority, if there I no rate declared by authority, then the current general residential circle rate declared by district magistrate.
P= Purchasable factor, its value will be following according to land use-
1. Commercial         = 0.60
2. Community and Social amenities
And establishment (e.g. medical facilities, educational institutes etc.) = 0.15
3. Residential and other     = 0.40

Appropriation of calculating land value/planning rate as basic value in counting of F.A.R. fees
F.A.R. fees will be on the concept of differential cost of land according to the status of the land.
The rational value of land will resemble in F.A.R. fees according to land-use status.
It will not be necessary to revise the F.A.R. fees on the basis of cast index per year.

Shri Sanjay Bhusreddy,
Special secretary
Uttar Pradesh Government

Vice chairman
Development Authority
Housing section-1 Lucknow : date 24 March 2001
Subject: Implementation of Development Authority Building construction and development byelaw-2000.

Please take reference to the concerned letter no. 55/G.D./C.A.P./2001 dated 31.01.2001, according to which the proposal were placed before government for acceptance of Agra Development Authority Building Construction and Development byelaw with some amendment in the meeting of Authority Board.
In this connection I have directed to notice that Government will make the approval on Agra Development byelaw under section-57 of U.P. City Planning and Development Act, 1973. It is required for you to issue information to the newspapers in this regard for the information of amended byelaw to the public and ensure action with immediate effect according to new byelaw under authority region in development and construction regulations. Please inform the government about action taken.


Sanjay Bhusreddy
Special secretary
No.1478(1)/9-B-1-29(misc)/98 same date
Copy sent to the following for information and necessary action: -
Chairman, Agra Development Authority.
Chief, City and Village Planning, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow-
Chairman, Architects Association, Uttar Pradesh.
Chairman, UP chapter, Institute of Architects.
Chairman, Estate builders Association, Uttar Pradesh.
Senior Director, Planning, Awas Bandhu.

Sanjay Bhusreddy
Special secretary

Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government

All special zone development authority
Uttar Pradesh
(ii) Chairman/vice-chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
(iii) Controlling Authority/Regulation Authority
All regularized regions
Uttar Pradesh
(iv) All Collectors,
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow : Date 28 August, 1998
Subject: Acceptance of maps for cinema halls under Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act, 1973 and Uttar Pradesh (construction work regulation) Act, 1953.

To prevent the tendency of demolishing old cinema halls to build commercial complexes, the direction were issued in public interest by ruling order no. –4052/37-1987, dated 10 November 1987 that the proposal for the construction of commercial complexes over the demolition of cinema halls will be referred to the government by Chief, City and Village Planning, Uttar Pradesh and after consideration and permission of the government the commercial complex map will be accepted by concerned Authority and regional Regulatory. The above-motioned ruling order will be re-considered on date 10 November 1987 to make the cinema halls economically ore profitable and after that a system is established by ruling order n. -968/9-B-98-78 comp/87, dated 18 April 1998 that the above ruling order will be relaxed on the condition that making commercial complex over demolition of cinema hall or giving permission for commercial construction are accepted on application and no objection certificate by district magistrate on the basis of mahayojna and other byelaws regulations/rules by concerned Development Authority and Regulatory regions means the approval system by government by Chief, City and Village Planning was ended-up. Again for the development of tourism in state and to support filmmaking were deeply considered by government and decided that it is correct to prevent the making of commercial complex. Therefore to control the re-construction of old cinema halls and ensure it will be proper to apply the ruling order dated 10 November 1987 again before housing department.
So, I am directed to say in this concern that the ruling order n. -968/9-B-3-98-78 comp/87, dated 18 April 1998 will be bypassed with immediate effect and first ruling order no.-4082/9-9-3-1987, dated 10 November 1987 is effective as usual and it is directed that the proposal of demolition of cinema hall to build commercial complex will be referred to the government by Chief, City and Village Planning, Uttar Pradesh and after consideration of government will permit for that Construction map will be accepted by competent level only after the permission of government.
But the plot used for any other use or commercial complex on new plot and construction of cinema hall are proposed side-by-side, then the acceptance can be made by competent level under the applied rules and it is not necessary to refer to the government as per above-mentioned rules. In case of commercial complex or any other construction, refer to government.
Authorities and landowner in connection that how the alteration fees on land-use can be deposit raise the question generally. So it is made clear that for land use alteration the land use alteration fees will be deposited in authority by concerned land-owner before issuance of last ordinance under section-13(2) of Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act 1973 and when authority will inform the government in this context after that land use alteration will be made.
Please ensure strict compliance of orders above cited.


(Atul Kumar Gupta)
No.-2245(1)/9-B-3-98 same date
The copy of above-mentioned has been sent to the following for information and necessary action: -
Chief, City and Village Planning, 7- Bandariyabag, Lucknow.
Senior Director, Awas Bandhu, Vikas Bhawan, Lucknow
All sections of Housing Department
By order
(H.P. Singh)
Secretary, section

No.-4218/9-B-3-94-42 misc/98
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government

Commissioner Housing
U.P. Housing and Development Council
All Vice chairman
Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow : Date 14 December 2000

Subject: To promote the establishment of multiplexes/cinema halls according to Film Policy_1999 and assessment of standards for construction of multiplex.

I have directed to inform you that the cinema halls were graded as industry in Film Policy-1999 in the state and for composite development of film industry strategy for high level cinema releasing facilities are assessed. For it multiplexes film show, which is technically most developed system has been emphasized. In addition, rejuvenation of old cinema halls closed for a long period and up gradation of current cinema halls have been given preference. For this purpose ruling order 2206/9- B-3-99-50 misc/99 dated 27.5.1999 are issued for land allotment to the multiplexes/cinema halls, but due to non-assessment of byelaw or standards for building, some development authorities are facing difficulties.
So, for the promotion of multiplex construction it is directed under respected Governor, sub-section (2) of section-92 U.P. Housing and Development Council Act 1965 and sub-section (1) of section-41 Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act 1973 that the construction license for multiplexes in township will be given according to following provisions: -
(i)Functionality: - In multiplex Cinema hall and commercial activities and other entertainment facilities can be made available in a fixed ratio.
(ii) Permitted land: - Construction of multiplex will be permitted in commercial, residential, industrial (only pollution-free and un-hazardous and service industry) land-use and mahayojna/zonal plan/sector plan/lay-out plan, notified for this purpose fulfils the conditions of para (iv) and (v) below.
(iii)Ratio of cinema hall, entertainment and commercial activities: - In multiplex construction of minimum three cinema halls under one complex will be compulsory. In non-commercial area (residential and industrial) vested facility/concession as land allotment and permitted land-use the minimum 70% of the total area is for cinema hall and maximum 30 percent of remaining part will be permitted for commercial and other entertainment activities. If land-use is commercial, the restriction would not apply and construction is permitted according to commercial land-use. The plots allotted by Development Authority/Housing and Development Council, the ratio of cinema hall and commercial (and entertainment) activities will be permitted according to the conditions of auction.
(iv)Minimum area of plot: - The minimum area of proposed land/plot will be 4000 square meters for multiplex.
(v) Approach path: The proposed land/plot for multiplex will be on the road (of minimum 24 meters width).
(vi) Set back: - In multiplex building from will be minimum 9 meters and rest three sides (back and both sides) 6 meters set back will be provisional necessary. But proper circulation space will be provide compulsorily for the exit of vehicles towards 24 meters or more wide roads to the parking lots.
(vii) Ground-covered and F.A.R.: In no-commercial area maximum ground coverage 40% and F.A.R. 120 will be permitted for multiplex. In addition purchasable F.A.R. to the assessed limit will be permitted according to building byelaw.
(viii) Parking provision: On each 100 sq. m. surface area 1.5 equivalent car space will be provisioned. The area of equivalent car space will be13.75 sq. meters and driveway and turnings to vehicles will be additional 50% part of the open space can be used for parking or roads and landscaping can be done in remains area. Open parking on stilts will be permissible but after covering (in sides), it will be counted in F.A.R.
(ix) Basement: For parking, servicing and storage, basement construction equal to ground coverage will be permitted, which will not be counted in F.A.R.
(x) Other requirements: Planning, designing and fire safety arrangements of cinema hall will be ensured in accordance with provisions of U.P. Cinematograph Rules, 1951 and National Building code. Necessary facilities in multiplex e.g. drinking water; toilet, canteen etc. are provisioned common as per standards.
In multiplex for other activities/facilities except cinema hall under central or state Acts/rules/regulations, legal formalities fulfillment from any other department is required, then after submission of license or no-objection certificate in authority/council by competent level for concerned activities/facilities, the consideration will be made over map acceptance.
If given concession/facilities are used in para-2(iii) for promotion by government for construction of multiplex, then to ensure the time-bond construction of multiplex, bank guarantee will be taken from the applicant by Authority/Council, which will be 20 percent of estimated value of the current residential sector rate of total area of proposed lane. (In condition of no any rate by authority/council, then current residential sector rate fixed by district magistrate). In construction of multiplex did not completed within 5 years of map acceptance date, then authority/council will have right to take over…. the bank guarantee.
The license/rejection will be issued within maximum two months of submission of maximum for the construction of multiplex.
Please ensure the compliance of above-mentioned orders with immediate effect.

(Atul Kumar Gupta)
Demarcation no. 4218(1)/9-B-3-99-42 misc/99 same date
Copy sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Industrial Development Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh.
Chief Secretary, Institutional Finance, Uttar Pradesh
Secretary, Industrial Development and statutory Directorate
Secretary, Cultural Department, Uttar Pradesh
Secretary, Entertainment Tax, Uttar Pradesh
Secretary, Tourism Department, Uttar Pradesh
Chairman, All Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh
Director, Information and Public Relation Department, Uttar Pradesh
Managing Director, PICUP (Fund Manager, Film Bank)
Chief, City and Village Planning, Uttar Pradesh
Senior Director, Planning, Awas Bandhu

By Order

(Sanjay Bhusreddy)
Demarcation no. 4218 (2)/9-B-3-99-42 misc/99 same date Special Secretary
Copies sent to Controlling authorizations of all regulatory regions and regulatory authorization for necessary arrangement and ensure actions accordingly.

By order

Sanjay Bhusreddy
Special Secretary

Uttar Pradesh Government
Housing section-1
No. 2798/9-B-1-1997
Lucknow- Date- 24 June 1997


For development and building construction section-14 and 15 of Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act, 1973 in connection with provision related to license by local vice-chairman, development authority time-to-time experiencing special difficulties to prevent from them under State Housing Policy Work Plan 1997 and in accordance with the Governor, under the power given by section-53 of above act, with following terms and conditions the concession are given to the following land or buildings:-
(i)It will not be necessary to get license under the provisions of section 14(1) of the Act. If the land is being developed is a land of
Are of upto 100 sq. meters, situated in the 80 years old constructed part of the city in any development region, proposal construction is under applied mahayojna, other scheme, regulation or byelaw and is according to the restrictions of set back, land-use and height fixed for the land.
Because the license will not be necessary for Internal development works, preservation, amendment or alterations, No any person could be enter in internal part of the building under section-25 of the Act, until he has special written and directed authority of vice-chairman or secretary in connection of special building, any violation will be subject to heavy misconduct and will be used accordingly.
Are of upto 300 sq. meters and building map of proposed development are submitted with a certificate by registered architect of Council of Architecture that proposed development in concerned development region applied in mahayojna and according to the other concerned schemes, regulations and byelaws.
Are of upto 300 sq. meters and are developed according to the standards issued in model, building maps for concerned area an size of plot for the purpose by authority time-to-time.
1.At the time of development according to model building map, compliance of the restrictions of set back, ground coverage, F.A.R./height and land-use will be compulsory. It will be permitted for internal alteration or repairing.
2. There will be no rebate in the fees or charge collection by Development Authority in connection of development map of above nature in above-mentioned system.
Acceptable license –2: Application submitted to Development Authority for license to land assumed accepted after the end of the following period or if wanted improvement will not be made or consent will made for extension of time period for some information and then application has been rejected before, for such extension period the application will be assumed accepted.
(a) In connection of development of solo residential buildings    one month
(b) In connection of development for the purpose of commercial or group housing   two months
© In other cases   two months
Clarification: -
If the last date of the above period is Sunday, then the time period will be assumed for the next working day.
Exceptions of above-mentioned concession (3): -
The arrangements of above-cited direction no. (1) and (2) will not applied in hilly regions, for the sake of ecological and environmental conservation and to restrict the construction work in hill areas, until it is extended partially or as a whole by ordinance in any regions.
State government can declare by ordinance that arrangements made by above direction no. (1) and (2) will not apply in any such region to prevent the construction works progress in any (directed) region.
The orders will be strictly followed

By order

Atul Kumar Gupta
N0. -2798(1)9-H-1-97, it date
Copy sent to the following for immediate necessary action: -
1. All Divisional Commissioner and Chairman, Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh.
2. All Vice-chairman of Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh.
3. Secretary, All Development Authorities, Uttar Pradesh.
4. Chief, City and Village Planning, Uttar Pradesh.
5. Housing Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh.
6. Chief Secretary, Hill Development Department, Uttar Pradesh Govenrnment.
7. Chief Secretary, Department of Environment, Uttar Pradesh Government.
8. Chairman, Builders Association, Uttar Pradesh Government.

By Order

Ram Vriksha Prasad
Joint Secretary

Uttar Pradesh Government
Housing section-3
No. 3369/9-H-3-97-100-misc/1997
Lucknow- Date- 24 January 1998


Under Uttar Pradesh President Act (with revised Act again activated), Act-2975 (Uttar Pradesh Act no: 30, year 1974) as per Activated again Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act, 1973 (President Act no.-11 year 1973) section-53, under which power Governor gives concession at the subject of conditions for the purpose of Cellular Mobile Telephone Service to construct tower in development regions of state from the sections-14 and 15 of this Act or rules, rulings or byelaws or directions made under that land and buildings ;-
The concession is available for licensed Cellular Mobile Telephone Service Operators by Department of Tele-communications, Government of India for building necessary antenna towers, radio, equipment rooms and generator room for this service.
Service Operator will submit proposed construction map by registered architect of Architect Council, with this construction letter before construction work, that proposed Antenna is safe in every aspect, building on which tower has to construct (if so, then) is safe with tower and the total area of proposed room will not be more than 60 square meters. Building construction is according to the byelaw.
Before each construction Rs. Five thousand as license fee will be deposited before concerned authority with above-mentioned map and certificate.
Governor also directs under sub-section (1) of section-41 of above-cited Act for Cellular Mobile Telephone service, the tower construction will be ensured in context of above-mentioned concession by different Development Authority in construction of tower and if nay legal question raises in such construction, then immediate notice will be referred to the government and gets the decision of government without delay.

By Order

Atul Kumar Gupta

Demarcation no.-3369 (1)9-H-3-97-100 Ad/97, it date
Copy: To Joint Director, Printing and stationary, Aishbag Lucknow above ordinance, Uttar Pradesh In general gazette (only Hindi version) dated 14 February, 1998 legal Appendix part-4, section (b), the 25 printed copies of publication and ordinance sent for availability to government.

By Order

P.N. Singh
Secretary, Section
Copy sent to following for necessary action: -
1. Vie-president, All Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh.
2. Shri K. Vijay Rao, Executive Director, Escotel mobile A-36, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi in referrence of their letter dated 03 October, 1997.
3. Director General, Telephone, Government of India, New Delhi.
4. Director, Telephones, Uttar Pradesh Service, Lucknow.
5. Chairman, All Development Authority, Divisional Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh.
6. Chief, City and Village Planning, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
By Order

P. N. Singh
   Secretary, Section

No. 146/9-H-3-98-7 Ad/98
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
(1)Commissioner, Housing
Housing and Development Council, Uttar Pradesh
All Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow : Date 22 January, 1998
Subject: Assesment of Supervision fees at the time of building map acceptance.

Development Authorities and Uttar Pradesh Housing Development Council collect the Supervision fees from builders at the time of building map acceptance. There are different rates of Supervision fees in different Authorities. Government after consideration has decided that for the regulation of development, the assessment of Supervision fees based on actual expenditure are made being equal in all Authorities and Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council. So. I am directed to say in this connection that Mr. Governor, gives direction under section-72(2) of Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council Act 1965 and section-41(1) of Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act: -
Assuming the surface area of the proposed building as base applies the same rate of Supervision fees as Rs. 5/- per square meters.
These fees will in connection with building map acceptance on plot of more than 100 sq. meters area and for building construction acceptance in Development Authorities/Housing and Development Council.
Above rate is based on current cost index. So, Development Authority/Housing and Development Council will update it on his own level according to cost index declared by Government of India each year.
Please ensure the compliance of order above-mentioned with immediate effect.


Atul Kumar Gupta
Demarcation no: 146(1)/9-H-3-98, same date
Copy sent to the following for information and necessary action:
All Collector, Uttar Pradesh
Chief, City and Village Planning, Uttar Pradesh
All Sections of Housing Department
Uttar Pradesh Awas Bandhu

By Order
P.N. Singh
Secretary, Section

No.-3661/9-H-3-98-7 Ad/98

Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government

(1) Commissioner, Housing
Housing and Development Council,
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
(2) Vice- Chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
(3) Chairman,
All Special Zone Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow : Date 25 October 2000
Subject : Assessment of Supervision fees for the purpose of surface level map acceptance.

Under Housing section-1 ruling order no.-2805/9-H-1-1996 date 18.6.96 planning, incase of internal development works by private builder himself there is a provision of taking Supervision fees which is 1 percent of estimated value of internal development works on acceptance of maps in authority.
In context of possession of misused in calculating the value of internal development wires, the government has taken Rs.3/ per square meters (on grass area) on the basis of area of surface level maps receive by Authority for acceptance. This amount can be taken in six month premium with 15 percent interest as per following, the restriction will be that with first premium the interest will be payable at remaining amount.
Sl. No. Payable amount Amount of premiums
1. Rs. 2 lakh one time
2. Rs. 2 lakh to 7.5 lakh in three premium of same amount in which first
Premium will not be less than 2 lakh.
3. More than Rs. 7.5 lakh in six premiums of it amount in which first three
Premiums (each) will not be less than Rs. 2.5 lakh.

In case of non-payment of two consecutive premiums the map will be rejected itself.
Above rate is based on current cost index. So, Development Authority/Housing and Development Council will update it on his own level according to cost index declared by Government of India.
At present, ruling order no.2805/9-H-1-1996 date 18.6.1996 is effective in development authorities. So I have directed to say in this connection tat above ruling order will be apply on all Development Council and assumed as revised at the said limit.
This order is effective immediately and strict compliance will be ensured.


Atul Kumar Gupta
No.- 3661(1)/9-H-3-98-7-Ad/98, same date
Copy sent to the following for information and necessary action: -
All Divisional Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh.
Chief, City and Village Planning.
Awas Bandhu, Uttar Pradesh.
By Order

(Sanjay Bhusreddy)
Special Secretary

No.-175/9-H-3-98-33 comp/98
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government

All Development Authority
 Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow : Date 5 February, 1998

Subject: Assessment of the rate of Ambar fees taken on building construction map.

It is provisioned in Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development (revised) Act 1997, section-15(2a) that Ambar fees means a fees taken by any such person or body which uses the land of authority or any public route or public place to keep building construction material under section-5 section-15 (2a) of the said Act has a provision that authority has right to collect development fees, nomenclature charge, ambar fees and water fees by the process or rate which is as per provision. But in case of area, which is not developed by authority, the amount of ambar fees will be transferred to local authority, whose local border is situated in this area. Honorable Supreme Court has decided in case of Uttar Pradesh State Government versus Shrimati Malati Kaul that if any person uses any public place or street for keeping ambar of building construction material, it will be compulsory for that to pay ambar fees to Vice-chairman, Development Authority at prescribed rate. According to above provisions Development Authority have right to collect ambar fees from builder.
2. In this connection I have directed to say tat in different authorities different rates of ambar fees will be taking for reimbursement of public place or roads, damaged by keeping of building construction material. Government has take a decision after consideration that the rate of ambar fees is Rs.11/- per square meters from the builder under section-41(1) of Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act, 1973. In future
The above rates will be revised by authority level according to cost index issued by Government of India time-to-time.
Ensure the compliance of above orders strictly.


Atul Kumar Gupta
Demarcation no: 175(1)9-H-3-98, same date
The copy sent to Chief, City and Village Planning, City and Village Planning Department, 7 Bandariya bag, Lucknow and Awas Bandhu for information and necessary action.
By Order

P.N. Singh
Secretary, Section

N0. -3138(1)/9-H-3-98-33 comp/98
Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government

Commissioner, Housing
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council
(ii) Chairman/Vice-chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow : Date 13 October, 1998
Subject: Ambar fees payable with building construction map.

In respect of above subject in ruling order no.-175/9-H-3-98-33 comp/98, date 5 February, 1998, the rates of ambar fees were scheduled in compliance of the decision made by Honorable Supreme Court in connection of Uttar Pradesh Government versus Malati Kaul case. After that clarifications of above-mentioned rulings were noticed by ruling order- 548/9-H-3-98-33 comp/98 date 7.3.1998. Again some questions are raised. So after consideration I have directed to issue following clarification/directions; -
Ambar fees will be collected by the builders/land developers who uses the public place, public road or public land (in which land of authority, U.P. Housing and Development Council, Municipal Corporation/Municipality Council etc. are included) used for keeping building construction material/materials related to land development.
For the plots of more than 2000 sq. meters area, the exemption from ambar fees will be made for builder/developer subject to the following conditions after giving undertaking, if builder/developer submits affidavit that he will keep the building construction material/materials related to land development on their private plot (private plot means the plot subject to that deed or lease is in favor of him or is a heir).
(a) In case of using public place/street or public land for keeping material by builder/developer, he will have to submit ambar fees at one time payment in concerned agency fund within one month of issuance of demand letter, which is the payable fees to the map disposal and 15 % annual interest over it.
(b) N case of due non-compliance of the demand letter of (a) in the total payment will be taken wit compound interest as revenue dues.
(c) Such unauthorized collection will be cognizable crime because of encroachment on public land/street under section-26 of Uttar Pradesh City Planning and Development Act 1973 and action will be taken against convicted.
The above ruling will be applied on the maps, which are not issued after acceptance.
These directions will be applied on the maps, which are not issued after acceptance.

No.-3138(1)/9-H-3-98-33 comp/98, same date
Copy sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Chief, City Planning, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
Uttar Pradesh, Awas Bandhu, Guard file.

By order

Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan

From page 99 to 143

N0. - 1612/9-H-1-1998 (H.B.)
  Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Housing Commissioner
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council,
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Section-1 Lucknow: Date May 02, 1998
Subject: Collection of strengthening fees.
Subject to above I am directed to say that according to ruling no. 5748/11-5-86-52 misc/86 dated 12.8.1986 there is a provision of receiving strengthening fees for extension and strengthening of facilities in old developed areas of the city: -
Area, where sewer system exist, at the rate of Rs. 5/- per square meter.
Area, where sewer system doesn’t exist, at the rate of Rs. 3/- per square meter.
In this respect government has realized that in terms of different developmental works concerned organizations such as, for sewerage and water supply system water institution, for road municipal corporation and for electricity facility State Electricity Council also receives strengthening fees or its such parallel fees, due to which private builders and other builder/developers are paying dual taxes for above-cited fees in nature. The logic of these organizations in this context is that either other organization doesn’t receive such fees of authority amend it. Keeping above situation in mind government has decided after proper consideration that the following provision is made for taking strengthening fees.
1. Development fees is payable for development of establishments. So, it can be apply generally in undeveloped region, where establishments is undeveloped or been developing but in Local development authority/Housing and Development Council, the development fees is not included in land value. According to this development fees does not implies in authority/Housing and Development Council. At the same time it does not be payable in developed areas, where infrastructure is developed previously.
2. Because of increasing population in one way, new areas are developing, on the other way whole city area, including developed areas, the pressure increases on establishments and there is a need for strengthening, increment and redevelopment. To differ the fees collected for such development from above-mentioned point-1, it is named as strengthening fees. It is collected the agencies of the area which are responsible for special/establishment facility e.g. water institution, municipal corporation, electricity council etc. the development work in these areas are also done by Development Authorities, e.g. road/crossing, repairing, parking development, construction of over bridge/flyover, bridge, development/remodeling of parks, sewerage treatment plan etc. are implemented, which is helpful to all people of the city. To compensate such expenditure there is a provision for strengthening fees. The works don by other institutions such as, water institution, Municipal Corporation, electricity council, will be collect strengthening fees in that respect.
3. In respect of above-mentioned para-2, the development authorities will revise the current rate and strengthening fees for building construction acceptance in ancient areas will be collected at the rate of Rs. 26/- per square meter on proposed covered area.
4. To ensure the use of these fees on development of city, it will be deposited in another establishment development account. It will be responsibility of vice chairman of authority and senior officer of account to ensure not to use this fund for other works.
5. The above ruling order will be applied for all maps, whether it is for one storied or multistoried/multi-partitioned buildings. But residential plot upto 100 square meters will be free for these fees.
6. The above ruling order will also be applied on the maps, which are not released after acceptance.
7. Cases in which maps will be released on undertaking, the above fees will be have to give, but the amount with 15 percent interest will be taken for the time period on map release and date of deposit.
8. The above rate is based on cast index. So, development authority/Housing and development council will update the above rate on the basis of cast index declared by central public construction department each year.
Please ensure immediate action according to above-mentioned orders.


Atul Kumar Gupta
No.: (1)/9-H-1-1998 it date
Copy sent to following for necessary action: -
Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Urban and Rural Planning Department, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
All Chairmen, Municipality Council/Municipal panchayat.
Chief City officer of all Municipal Corporations.
Chairman, Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Council.
Chief Engineer, Uttar Pradesh Water Corporation and
All General Managers, water institutions

(Atul Kumar Gupta)

Page 101

Description of external development fees
Sl. No.  Zone current rate per square meter   proposed rate per square meter
With sewer without sewer   with sewer without sewer
1.  Zone-1 (residential) 50/- per sqm. Rs.80 per sqm. 50/- per sqm.   80/-

Note: (1) Above mentioned rates will be effective for 1997-98. After that it will be increasing at the rate of 10 percent per square meters.
(2) According to the division of authority board dated 16.12.2000, four cold-storage drainage fees will be received on covered area at the rate of Rs. 80/- per square meters for year 2000-2001. In which 10 percent will be increases per year.
(3) According to the decisions of dated 12.6.2000 and 16.12.2000 if applicant has paid the fees previously then they have been freed form the fees again.

Page 102 se 108 tak karna shesh hai

Uttar Pradesh Government
Housing Section-1
No.: 2460/9-H-15-1-D.A//81
Lucknow: Date 03 April 1996

Debarring development authority prevention of crime byelaw- 1992, Uttar Pradesh President (amendment) with again activation, 1974 (Uttar Pradesh Act no.-30 year 1974) such as using the power of again act Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973 (President Act no.-11 year 1973) section-51, sub-section (a) and (b.b) and under section 32 of Act by prior approval of State Government, development authority makes the following byelaw for prescribing the guidelines theory for prevention of crime :-
Development Authority prevention of crime byelaw, 1996
(1) The byelaw will be called Development Authority prevention of crime byelaw 1996.
(2) Its extension will be on whole development region.
(3) The byelaw will be imposed by date 03 April 1996.
Any action of protection of crime punishable under Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act 1973 prior to work or demolition will be done by development Authority or authorized officer under section 32 by them. But in any case minimum demolition fees will not be less than half of estimated time.
Disposal of crime related to demolish able construction will be with the condition that the accused will not continue the demolish able construction crime and demolish able illegal construction/development work/above mentioned disposable crime will be ended under directed period, which is not more than 15 days, failure of which development authority will be free to action of accusation against him repeatedly.
To give license for demolition of illegal constructions and development works or refusing to give license of development authority or for it permitted or by special order any authorized officer will be ensure that: -
What basement, semi-basement, ground floor, first floor or adjoining floors are constructed and it has effect on attached area.
Is the plinth of construction of basement is more than plinth are, if yes then its effect.
Is the permission for construction has been accepted before? If yas then its effect.
Is the construction is against the existing building line. If yes then its effect.
Effects on attached assets and existing services from the construction of basement.
Is the construction is more than the road side land control Act, if yes then is a permission in this respect has taken or not.
The following crimes will not be disposable: -
Construction is done without permission of competent officer of concerned department.
Crime is related to such development which is against the land use imposed in mahayojna or regional planning’s.
Crime is related to any projection of any state or public land for which the permission of concerned department will not be got.
3 In condition of construction more than permitted land covered or surface level is more than permitted F.A.R./ or surface area.

Page 109
Development Authority (prevention of crime)
Application for demolition of unauthorized construction under byelaw 1997

Name and address of applicant _______________
Plot/building no. __________
Scheme/colony name ________________
Area of Plot (in sq. m.) ____________
Land use of plot according to mahayojna_____________
Land use of plot according to plan by accepted layout _________
Permissible F.A.R. ______________
If map is accepted then permit no. and date ___________________
Nature of construction
Present sector rate (Rs. Per square meters)_________________
Details of demolish able area: -
Sl no. Grade of Area of Provisioned Amount
Unauthorized unauthorized rate for of demolition
Construction construction demolition (Rs.)
All floors (sq.m.) (Rs.)

1.1 Construction without permission under permitted land-coverage surface area.
1.2 Additional floor area floor ratio under permitted land-coverage (maximum 10 percent)
1.3 Additional land coverage to permitted land coverage.
Sl no. Grade of Area of Provisioned Amount
Unauthorized unauthorized rate for of demolition
Construction construction demolition (Rs.)
All floors (sq.m.) (Rs.)

11.3(a) in restricted part of set back
11.3(a) (i) In-group housing plan
In each direction
     11.3(a) (2) Other building: -
In front set back –
In side set back –
In backward set back –
 11.3(b) Addition to restricted portion of set back
1.4 Construction of basement additional to permitted boundary
1.5 Land division/development work
Done without acceptance
1.6 Acceptance of land-division
Is not permitted according to rules.
    11.7 Floor area floor ratio more than 10
Percent under permitted land coverage
11.8Construction against land coverage in mahayojna
Land use alteration
Unauthorized floor area
    11.9 Other unauthorized or rejected but demolish able construction
  11.10 Construction on ground level and consecutive
Floor different from permitted land coverage
(Not including the area of F.A.R.)
  11.11 Unavailable area fixed for parking

Sl no. Grade of Area of Provisioned Amount
Unauthorized unauthorized rate for of demolition
Construction construction demolition (Rs.)
All floors (sq.m.) (Rs.)

Description of extra undemolishable/demolishable constructed
Part additional to schedule mentioned in serial-11.

Front Side Other
(sq.m.) (Sq.m.) (sq.m.)
Ground level
First floor
Second floor
Consecutive floor

I ___________ architect/engineer/mapper certifies that plot/building no. ______ under scheme __________ unauthorized construction __________development authority prevention of crime byelaw 1997, which is counted by issued ordinance/amendment no. __________dated _________, details of unauthorized construction included and no any fact is hide. I have made the above proposal by spot inspection dated _________.

Signature Architect/engineer/mapper name
(Name and address of applicant) Signature __________
_________________ License no. __________

Description of documents enclosed with application form

1. Building map application Form-1 (two copies)
2. Calculation of demolition fees Form-2 (two copies)
3.Records of land-ownership
(3.1) In authority scheme two copies
(3.2) In population and others four copies
4. Copy of map accepted previously (if any)
5.copy of demolition map
(5.1) In authority scheme four copies
(5.2) In population and others four copies
6.Unauthorized construction, which is not demolished, builder will have to remove it on its own expenditure. If unauthorized construction (undemolishable part) not demolished by him then after taking action of demolition after prescribed period, the authority will collect the demolition fees from him. Affidavit in this respect will have to be enclosed on general stamp of Rs. 10/-
Note: (1) No objection certificate of all external departments will have to present by the client itself.
(2) Self-attested copy of records by applicant will be acceptable.
(3) At the time of submission of application, it should have to deposit map fees also and receipt of demolition map fees will have to be enclosed.

No. 1655/9-H-3-97-38 (misc)/97
Shri Diwakar Tripathi
Special Secretary
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 05 May 1997
Subject: Simplification of acceptance process for solo residential buildings.
Government has decided to simplify the acceptance process of maps for solo residential buildings. At present the process is that for solo residential building maps will be accepted for 3 years and after that three renewals of one-one year is permitted. It is found that a large number of application for renewable is pending in development authorities. The five years time period is valid in case of buildings on developed plots of new scheme and after that advance permission for construction is given by taking levy charge. In the same manner keeping disposal of map and public facility in mind it is decided that acceptance of map of solo residential building is valid for 5 years and after that 3 renewal of one-one year is permitted.
So, Governor, directs under the right of Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973 section-41, sub-section-1 that map acceptance period for solo residential building is increased upto 5 years and after that three renewal of one-one year is being permitted. The solo residential building map whose three-year is complete but less than 5 years, the building map will itself be valid for 5 years and after that construction will be permitted only after renewal. Please make arrangement for broad publicity, so that the general people can know it.


Diwakar Tripathi
Special Secretary
Demarc. No.: 1655(1)/9-H-3-97 it date
One copy of the above mentioned ruling order sent to Housing Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council to apply the above arrangement immediately with approval of Council Board.

No.: 1924/9-H-3-97-38 (misc)/1997
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
All Special Zone Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 3 June 1997
Subject: Simplification of the process of map acceptance for group housing.
Take reference to related ruling order: 1655/9-H-3-97-38 ad/97 date 05 May, 1997 from which direction is issued that the map acceptance period is being increased from 3 to 5 years for solo residential buildings and after that 3 renewal of one-one year is made permitted. And in case of such residential building maps whose three-year period is completed but is less than 5 years they are valid upto 5 years itself. Government has decided that the above system is being applied for group housing map with immediate effect. So, I have directed to say in this relation that the arrangement made in above ruling order dated 5 May 1997 is applied for group housing maps with immediate effect.


Atul Kumar Gupta
Demarc. No. – 1924(1)-H-3-97-38 sp/97, it date
One copy of above ruling is demarcated for such authority/all regulatory regions for action according to above rulings.
By Order

P.N. Singh
Section Secretary

Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Housing Commissioner
U.P. Housing and Development Council

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 30 October 2000
Subject: In relation with construction license validity for commercial building maps
Take reference to ruling order subject to above mentioned, no. 1655/9-H-3-97-38 misc/97 dated 5 May 1997 and ruling order- 1924/9-H-3-97-38 misc/97 dated 3 June 1997 by which validity period for solo residential building maps and group housing maps is increased three to 5 years and after that 3 renewal of one-one year is permitted. Government has decided that for uniformity the same above arrangement is applied for commercial and all buildings of other kinds.
So, I am directed to say that the arrangement of above rulings is being applied wit immediate effect for buildings of commercial and other uses. I have also directed to say that the commercial ad other building maps whose three year period is completed but have to completed 5 years, these maps will be valid upto 5 years itself.
Letter no. – M. -182/9-H-3-97 it date
Copy sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Chairman, All Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh
Controlling Authority, All Regulatory regions, Uttar Pradesh
Concerned Authority, All Regulation regions, Uttar Pradesh
Superintending Director, U.P. Awas Bandhu
Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Uttar Pradesh.

By Order

Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan
Special Secretary

No. 3768/9-H-3-97-38 misc/97
Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Housing Commissioner
Housing and Development Council
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
All Special Zone Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 07 November 2000
I am directed to inform that under the simplification process for acceptance of building map ruling order 2531/9-H-97-38 misc/97 dated 15.07.1997 the validity of building license was increased to 5 years from 3 years. But in hill areas the above arrangement was not applied due to difference in construction and development and geographical conditions. But the above arrangements are applied in hill areas as it with restrictions by ruling order-2800/9-H-3-97-38 misc/1997 date 14.10.1997.
The fact is brought in knowledge of the government that the validity of development license for surface level map should be same as building map for uniformity. Let us know that by ruling order-4716/9-H-3-37-38 misc/1997 date 21.10.2000 issued by Model Development Authority Building construction and development byelaw, made for plane tic regions of the state, the validity of development license is 5 years. Government has decided that for public convenience the same simplification process have to apply in plane tic and hill regions.
So, I have directed to say that the development license for surface level map, issued once, will be valid for 5 years and on the application in above period it can be extended by Authority/Housing and Development Council after taking required fees for maximum three times each for one year period. I am also directed to say that the surface level maps, whose development license validity is ended but not have completed 5 years, these maps will be valid upto 5 years itself.
Please ensure the compliance of above-mentioned orders by immediate effect and arrange for broad publicity for information of general people.

Atul Kumar Gupta
No.: 3788(1)/9-H-3-97-38 misc/97 it date
Copy sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Chairman, All Development Authorities, Uttar Pradesh
Chairman. Controlling Authority, All Regularized Regions, Uttar Pradesh
Concerned Authority, All Regularized Region, Uttar Pradesh
Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Uttar Pradesh
Management Director, U.P. Co-operative Housing Organization Ltd. Lucknow
Upper Director, Planning, Uttar Pradesh Awas Bandhu

By Order

Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan
Special Secretary

No. –2944/9-H-3-98-32 L.U.C./96
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Develoopment Authority,
Uttar Pradesh
All Special Zone Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 17 September 1998
Subject: Standard principles for establishment of Engineering College, Medical college and Dental colleges in private sector.
State government has adopted a policy decision in respect of opening Medical College, Engineering College and Dental College in private sector for the purpose of making the education, professional and practical. After declaration of above policy the

From page no. 118 to 126

According to required standards minimum 25-hectare land is must for engineering college and Medical College. It is clear that availability of such type of land is difficult in developed area of the city so agricultural these institutions buy land use outside the civilized area of the city. Keeping in view educational ad peaceful environment far from dense area the institutions have bought those land. So, the institutions for which no objection certificate has been issued for establishment of Engineering or Medical college in private sector by state government related Technical Education and Medical Education Department, but not have been getting permission by councils of Government of India because of land which is against land use in mahayojna, the government has decided for action of land-use alteration in mahayojna in kind and time-bound manner in these case.
So, in regard of ruling order 571/9-H-3-98-32 L.U.C./96 date 20 April 1998 issued previously, the Governor gives the following directions in succession under section 41(1) of U.P. City Planning and development Act 1973 that: -
Concerned institutions will have to submit enclosure of no objection certificate issued by education department land use alteration in mahayojna for medical college, dental college and engineering college. Te consideration will be made on these proposals in which no objection certificate is issued by state government.
On application of land use alteration, concerned development authority may submit the proposal/declaration with 15 days of receiving the application. There will be no need of approval of Authority Board in these proposals.
Remark of Chief Urban and Rural Planning on proposal will be taken as per need.
Decision on land use alteration proposal by government will be taken within one month of receiving (declaration).
The same land area will be increased in agricultural use as per time in this term of mahayojna, at the limit of proposed land use included in proposal from agriculture land.
After the issuance of land use alteration, the concerned institution will have to deposit land use alteration fees, 10 percent of the current residential sector rate of r circle rate, whichever is more in development Authority at the time of map acceptance; the fees will be counted at constructed area. If the area in which the construction is being done, is equal to total area or less than that, then the land use alteration fees is applied on only the least area. The amount of land use alteration fees will be deposited in the development fund established under Development authority for development of the city.
Generally development fees will also be payable at the area being constructed.

Atul Kumar Gupta
No. –2944(1)/9-H-3-98 it date
Above-mentioned copy sent to the following for information and necessary action –
Chief Secretary, Technical Education Department, Uttar Pradesh government.
Secretary, medical Education Department, Uttar Pradesh Government.
Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Urban and Rural Planning Department, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
Uttar Pradesh Awas Bandhu.

By order

H.P. Singh
Section Secretary

No.-675/9-H-3-2001-42 misc/99
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Housing Commissioner
U.P. Housing and Development Council
Uttar Pradesh
All Vice chairman
Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 16 April 2001
Subject: To promote the establishment of multiplexes/cinema halls according to Film Policy 1999 and assessment of standards for construction of multiplexes.
In succession of ruling order concerned to above subject no –4218/9-H-99-42 misc/99 date 10.12.2000, I am directed to say that in the questionable ruling order the minimum plot area for multiplexes is 4000 square meters and land coverage 40 percent and F.A.R. 1.2 is permissible. In this ruling order it is directed that on the plots allotted by Development authority/Housing Development Council the ratio of cinema hall and commercial and recreation works will be permitted according to the conditions of auction. But in the ruling order for multiplexes there is no provision for minimum area of plot, land coverage, F.A.R. etc. that it will be permitted according to the conditions of auction.
In a reference by Gaziabad Development authority, a plot of 3043.25 square meters area date 28.12,2000, in which land coverage 40 percent and F.A.R. 1.50 was permitted. On the basis of that concession in land authority requires coverage and F.A.R.
After consideration over total situation it is found appropriate that other authorities may face such difficulty and there is a possibility of emerging legal dispute before authority, from that. So government has decided after proper consideration that above said referenced amended date 14.12.2000, in cases in which auction will be completed before issuance of above ruling order, if there is a difference in conditions of auction and standards pointed in ruling order, then at per limit of such difference, the conditions of auction will be applied at the place of standard conditions of ruling order dated 14.12.2000. The ruling order previously issued dated 14.12.2000 is assumed amended at that limit. But in future any auction is being done according to the proposed standards in ruling order-dated 14.12.2000.


Atul Kumar Gupta
No. And date as before: -
Copy sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Industrial Development Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh
Chief Secretary, Institutional Finance, Uttar Pradesh
Secretary, Industrial Development and Superintendent Director, Udyog Badhu
Secretary, Department of Culture, Uttar Pradesh
Secretary Entertainment tax, Uttar Pradesh
Secretary, Tourism Department, Uttar Pradesh
Chairman, All Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh
Director, Information and Public Relation Department, Uttar Pradesh
Management Director, Picup fund manager, Film Fund
Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Uttar Pradesh
Upper Director, Planning, Awas Bandhu
By Order
Javed Ahatesham
Deputy secretary
No. and date as before,
Copy sent to controlling authorities and concerned authorities of all regularized zone to ensure necessary arrangement and actions according to that in succession of above-mentioned directions.

By order
Javed Ahatesham
Deputy secretary

Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
All Special zone development authority
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development council
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 01 May 1997
Subject: Simplification of map acceptance process in old and constructed areas of the city.
Government has decided to simplify the process of building map acceptance in old and constructed areas of the city. In this connection I am directed to say that in old and constructed area there will be no need of any acceptance for construction/reconstruction or repairing of residential building on the plot of less than 100 square meters, at the restrictions will be that set back is left according to mahayojna and byelaws and building is not more than three storied. In the same manner the construction/reconstruction and repairing of the residential building more tan 100 square meter to 300 square meters, the building map will be assumed self-accepted but the restriction is that the map made by an eligible architect there is a certificate submitted mentioning that the proposed construction/reconstruction is according to mahayojna byelaw.
Please ensure the strict compliance of above-mentioned orders. After these directions concerned staffs of authority will not go into the building over plot upto 100 square meters in connection with building construction.

Atul Kumar Gupta

No 1616/9-H-3-97-38 misc/97
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
All Special zone Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Housing and development Council
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 01 May 1997
Subject: Simplification of map acceptance process of commercial and group housing in city.
For increased population of the city and availability of residential and other public facilities for them the requirement of multistoried construction is increased Government has decided that acceptance of commercial and group housing maps is being made hurriedly and under the time being So I am directed to say you that the following process is being applied for acceptance of these maps: -
In connection with these maps generally the acceptance will be made after examination but in case of not finally disposal within 90 days if applicant is not given the consent for time extension, the building map will be assumed self- accepted. In all thee cases concerned in charge will be directly responsible.
Making easy acceptance of commercial and group housing maps a technical committee of concerned departments will be established at the level of development authority/housing and development council in the chairmanship of vice chairman/housing commissioner, which will examine and accept the maps. In the committee all these departments will be included necessarily from which the no objection certificate is required. In case on non-acceptance within prescribed period the acceptance will also be made under 90 days with the condition that builder can initiate the construction after 10 days on his own risk submitting written notice to development authority and such departments, whose no objection/objection is not given, but for no objection it will have to get no objection certificate from remaining departments. It is the responsibility of builder to get no objection certificate and construction is according to the conditions imposed in it. The completion certificate will be issued only when no objection certificate of all these departments have been received by the builder. But because city land bordering related clearance is legal necessity, so such maps will be accepted only when it will be non-objectionable by city land bordering.
Above-mentioned technical committee will accept the building, of which N.O.C. of fire department is required, necessarily, for the rest cases it will be on the desertion of authority and not necessary via committee, if any other easy arrangement is made for acceptance at authority level.
The strict compliance of above-mentioned orders will be ensured.

Atul Kumar Gupta
Demark. No. 1616(1)-H-3-97 it date
Copy is sent to following with such request that they ensure in contest of arrangement made in para-2 that in connection of construction no objection/objection, as per situation; ensure the availability in required time.
Upper Director General of Police, Fire Services, Uttar Pradesh Government
Chief Engineer, Public Construction Department, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
Director, Urban land bordering Directorate, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
All Station Directors in State, Indian Aviation Authority.


Diwakar Tripathi
Special Secretary

No.: 1617/9-H-3-97-38 misc/97
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
All Special zone Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 01 May 1997
Subject: Policy in connection with residential map acceptance of new areas and developing areas of the city.
In new areas and developing areas of the city are developed by Development Authorities and Uttar Pradesh Housing and development Council. It is decided to simplify the acceptance process of building maps in such colonies/areas. In this connection I am directed to say that the following process is being applied for acceptance of residential map in new areas and developing areas.
.1. At the time of registry of new solo residential plot, a standard map will be given for construction on plot to allot tee receiving a required fees from them, on the basis of that allot tee can construct building without any other acceptance. In this map allot tee could make some alteration as per their need but no alteration can be made in set back and open space. This facility will be applied on plot upto 300 square meters. Effort should make in such a manner that a booklet of standard maps for different sizes of plot is being made available from that selection can make as per facility.
For construction according to any design different from standard map, no any acceptance is necessary, if certificate from any eligible architect is submitted that the map is according to mahayojna and byelaws. At the time of submission of map, please confirm that all necessary documents and certificates are enclosed. The acknowledgement of submission of map is assumed as acceptance itself. This facility will be available for the plots upto 300 square meters.
Map acceptance will be necessary for plots of more than 300 square meters in residential category, which is assumed self-accepted if not finally disposal within 30 days.
Ensure strict compliance of above orders.

Atul Kumar Gupta

Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 5 February 1997
Subject: arrangement for acceptance of maps of planning’s of Uttar Pradesh State Industries Development Corporation.
In connection with above subject by ruling order no. 8911/9-H-5-92-62 D.A./92 dated 26.12.1992 under the borders of Development authorities of Agra, Aligarh, Mathura, Gorakhpur, Bareily, Gaziabdad, Allahabad, Raibareily, Varanasi, Haridwar, Unnav-Shuklaganj, Faizabad, Merrutt, Kanpur and Lucknow, for acceptance of building map in plannings of Uttar Pradesh State Industries Development Corporation, Regional manager Uttar Pradesh state Industries development Corporation has been made deputy secretary by-post on concerned authority and for acceptance of map of plots allotted by corporation the order was issued to impose the right of Vice chairman in them. Government has taken a decision after consideration that above ruling order is being publicized on other and remaining Development Authorities, so that in new schemes of Uttar Pradesh State Industries development corporation.
Therefore in connection with I am directed to say that for the purpose of simplification of acceptance process for map of industrial units establishing under Uttar Pradesh state Industries development regions, The Governor under the right of Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973 section-41 sub-section (1), directs that regional directors of development authorities established in the working area of regional manager related to corporation, will be assumed as deputy secretary by-post, and by such deputy secretary by-post the authorization will being imposed in concerned Vice chairman in plots allotted by corporation under section-51 of the Act. At the time of map acceptance action will be ensured as per mahayojna, regulation, byelaw, rulings and ruling orders applied in Development authority. The previous ruling order dated 26.12.1992 is amended to the above limit.


Atul Kumar Gupta
Demark. No.-4176(1) 9-H-3-98, it date
Copy sent to the following for information and necessary action; -
Chairman, All Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh
Chief Secretary, Industrial Development Department, Uttar Pradesh Government
Managing Director, Uttar Pradesh State Development Corporation, Kanpur
Concerned Regional Manager
Superintending Director, To Udyog Bandhu in context of its letter no. Dated 21.10.97
Uttar Pradesh Awas Bandhu
Yours truly,

Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan
Special Secretary

No.-2245/9-H-3-98-26 L.U.C./91
Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Chairman/ Vice-chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Housing and Development Council
U104 Mahatma Gandhi Marg
All Special zone Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 28 August 1998
Subject: Assessment of fees for alteration of lower land use to upper land use in mahayojna.
As a result of alteration in lower land use to upper land use the land value increases and public facilities affects. So on request of owner the arrangement is made for receiving land use alteration fees on alteration of land use. The above fees are used in well-planned development of the city. For assessment of land use alteration fees the following ruling orders are issued: -
Ruling order no.-1026/9-H-3-1996 date 11-3-96
Ruling order no.- 1060/9-H-3-1996-12 misc/1996 date 27.3.96
Ruling order no. –4900/9-H—3-19696-60 LUC/1996 date 26.12.96
Ruling order no.-1024/9-H-3-1997 dated 19-3-97
Ruling order no.-3634/9-H-3-97-12 misc 97 date 2-4-98
In above ruling orders alteration fees for alteration of green belt/agriculture land use to residential 50 percent and residential to commercial 100 percent is proposed to collect from owner. The fees is based on residential rate assessed by Development Authority and Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council or circle rate assessed by district magistrate, whichever is maximum.
Government has decided after consideration that in mahayojna same rate should b assessed for lower land use to upper land use alteration fees. So, in this respect I am directed to say that after adjustment of provisions of above written ruling orders the following rate is being assessed for land use alteration fees: -

Proposed     Agriculture   Community   Residential   Office Industrial commercial
Use in         services
(At present)
1. With agriculture   - 10%, 20%, 30%   50% 100% 40% 150%
Entertainment use
2. Community services -- ---- 40%   75% 25% 125%
(Bus stop/truck stand
Will also included)
3. Residential --- ----- ---- 50% ---- 100%
4. Office --- ----- ----- ---- 50%
5. Industrial --- ---- 25% 75% --- 100%
6. Commercial ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- -----

In community facilities (bus stop/truck stoppages also included) land use respectively less F.A.R. and land coverage is permitted. So for alteration of agriculture (with entertainment) land use to community services lad use, the land use alteration fees should be based on F.A.R. Thus after alteration of agriculture (with entertainment) land use to community facilities land use, if land owner wants F.A.R. upto 15 then he will have to pay 10 percent fees and if wants F.A.R.16 to 30 then he have to pay 20 percent fees and if wants F.A.R. more than 30 and less than proposed F.A.R. in mahayojna, he will have to pay 25 percent alteration fees.
Please ensure strict compliance of above-mentioned orders.

Atul Kumar Gupta
No.-2245(1)/9-H-3-98-26 L.U.C./91 it date
Copy above motioned sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Chief, Urban and Rural Planning, Urban and Rural Planning Department, 7, Bandariyabag, Lucknow.
2. Upper director, Awas Bandhu, Vikas Bhawan, Lucknow.
All sections of Housing Department
By order

H.P. Singh
Section Secretary

No.- 2438/9-H-3-98-60 LUC/96
Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
U.P. Housing and Development Council
Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 13 October 1998
Subject: Lay out plan amendment of residential colonies/controlling areas of Development Authorities and Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council.
Above-mentioned subject related ruling order no.-4900/9-H-3-96-60- LUC/96 date 24.12.96 last Para directs that for land use alteration by amending lay out plan also according to Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act 1973 section-13 the whole process will be completed after inviting the objections and advice and issuing Gazette ordinance by government. It is mentioning that under Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act 1973 section-14 and 15 the right of lay out acceptance and amendment is only at the Authority level. So, for lay out plan amendment the need to issue gazette ordinance have been reconsidered.
Thus I have directed to say in this connection that without any amendment in mahayojna or zonal plannings action is being taken for land use alteration of building/plot by revision of surface level map of scheme for Development Authority and Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council, then action in this subject is taken on Authority and Housing Development Council level, but action of this amendment is being done as per proposed process in section 13 of Uttar Pradesh Planning Development Act 1973. Such as in these cases communiqué should be published in minimum two newspapers for inviting objections and advice of public ad giving time to complaint for hearing the received objections are disposed by Board meeting and after the acceptance of proposal last communiqué is also being published also. It is made clear that for above land use by landowner at the proposed rates. Before publishing the last communiqué in newspapers it will be ensured to deposit land use alteration fees in Development Authority and U.P. Housing and Development Council.
Yours truly,

Atul Kumar Gupta
No.-2438(1)/9-H-3-98 it date
Copy sent to the following for information and necessary action: -
Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Uttar Pradesh Urban ad Rural Planning Department Uttar Pradesh
All sections of Housing Department
Guard file
U.P. Awas Bandhu
By order
H.P. Singh
Section Secretary

No.-5748/11-5-86-52 misc/76
Akhand Pratap Singh
Uttar Pradesh Government
Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Local Body, Uttar Pradesh
All City Municipalities U.P.
Chief Urban and Rural Planning
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 12 August 1986
Subject: In connection with alteration fees and development fees for land use alteration.
On above subject I am directed to say that for present facilities to new buildings constructing in developed areas of the city and for adjustment of facility loads for new construction ad to cover-up the need of strengthening and renewal works due to such load, the development authority will be authorized for taking development fees at the time fo permission for construction of such buildings, in the same manner if it is decided for alteration in land use of any plot, then to cover-up the load in public interest by this alteration on the same kind of alteration fees will be payable to accommodate and improve the development status of the city.
Land use alteration fees
The plots which are in residential area according to mahayojna but builder wants to construct office or commercial building on that, the authority may give permission if completed proper building construction for that in prosecution of residential rules but they will have the following percentage premium as per local land rate of district magistrate or land rate of local institution/body, whichever is maximum.
1. Residential to Commercial  - 50%
2. Residential to commercial -- 100%
3. Office to commercial --- 50%
If region is commercial then permission can be made without taking any kind of premium for office or residential unit. Subject to these the manner in which the construction will be proposed, in the same manner rules of set back, land coverage and F.A.R. will be applied.
On najul plots for acceptance of residential to office or residential to commercial or official to commercial uses premium will be payable according to najul manual and this alteration will be given with prior approval of government.
    Before passing the building map landowner will pay the whole development fees one time as per rules by authority,
Development fees: Development fees will be taken in respect of running, strengthening of measures which is available in other areas of development authorities of other and it is necessary to exist it in special zone.
2.The new areas developed by development authority or any other institute and in the selling prices of those plots, the external development expenditure and internal development expenditure is included then at the time of acceptance.
The cities/zones where sewer or any other facilities are not available, it will not be proper to collect development fees for that facility in the developed areas of the city. Land use alteration is generally not will be applied in new-planned and newly developed colonies. If land use alteration is done in special situations then alteration fees will be payable as per above rules.
I plot etc have sold after unauthorized division in any region and after selling unauthorized building is constructed and there is a shortage of road, water, electricity, sewer etc. all or anyone facility, then before regularization of those areas and before acceptance of building construction/development taking external development and internal fees will be necessity on the basis of actual status on each plot area.
The developed areas of the city, where water, road, electricity facilities are available, but not in such amount as per needs, then before acceptance of construction/development over that development fees will be collected on the basis of external and internal development on each plot area.
Development fees for residential use will be assessed as per needs of general facilities and their strengthening of any region. For commercial and official land use because they are given relatively more F.A.R., so the development fees will be 50 percent more than the development fees for residential use.
The accounting of development fees and land use alteration fees will be keeping as extra and the amount will be used for development of city only.
It the village is in planning, its development work should have included in as development expenditure. If any person constructs building between yojna and village, then internal and external development fees should be collecting from him.
For extension of facilities and strengthening in old developed regions of the city the development fees will be takes as per following: -
1. The areas where sewer system is available will be collected at the rate of Rs. 5/- per square foot.
2. Areas, where sewer doesn’t exist, at the rate of Rs. 3.00 per square foot.
3. For undeveloped areas between old developed areas, a sub-division plan is placed for acceptance of that and before acceptance of development map, external and internal development fees will be collected.
4. Subject to above mentioned a proposal will be placed before development authority and after approval government will be notices.

Yours truly
Akhand Pratap Singh
No. - 5748/11-5-86-it date
Copy sent to all sections of Urban Development Branch for information and necessary action.

By order
Kunwar Fateha Bahadur
Joint Secretary

No.-4334/9-H-3-2001-76 LUC/2000
Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan
Special Secretary
Uttar Pradesh Government
1.Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 7 March 2001
Subject: Lay out plan amendment of residential colonies/regularized regions of Development Authorities and Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council.
Subject to above by ruling order no.- 2438/9-H-3-98-date 13 October, 1998 an amendment is made in ruling order no.-4900/9-H-3-96, date 26.12.1996 the right of lay out plan amendment were provided to authorities/councils for residential colonies/regularized areas of development authorities and Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Councils. Government has decided after proper consideration that the following is included at the end of ruling order dated 13 October 1998 issued previously: -
1. To invite advice/objections in case of allotted plots/lay out land use alteration a communiqué should be released in two newspapers whose circulation is better.
2. It is being confirmed ensuring the information of above communiqué to residents near about concerned plots/local resident association etc.
3. In these cases F.A.R. will not be increased after land use alteration also.
The ruling order issued previously assumed amended at such limit.

Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan
Special Secretary
No.-4334(1)/9-H-3-2001-76 LUC/2000 it date
Copy sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Lucknow.
All section-1 of Housing Department
Guard file
Awas Bandhu, Uttar Pradesh
Yours truly,
Javed Ahatesam
Deputy secretary

Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan
  Special secretary
Uttar Pradesh Government
1. Chairman/vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Housing and Development Council
104,Mahatma Gandhi Marg
All Special zone development authority
Uttar Pradesh
Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 17 April 2001
Subject: Assessment of fees for alteration of lower land use to upper land use in mahayojna.
To draw attention subject mentioned above ruling order-2245/9- H-3-98-26 LUC/91, dated 28 August 98. I am directed to say hat in above ruling order the arrangement has been made for assessment of fees for alteration of lower land use to upper land use in development authorities but in above rulings dated 28 August 1998 the payment of land use alteration fees is not clear from alteration of agricultural/entertainment land use etc to ashram, mathas ad in religious places. So, making a partial amendment in above rulings dated 28 August 1998 para-2 of above ruling order the proposed rates of fees for land use alteration described in serial no.-1 the same rate of alteration fees will be collected also for land use alteration in ashram, mathas and religious place from agriculture/entertainment as collected for land use alteration in agriculture/entertainment to community services.
Yagyaveer Singh Chouhan
Special Secretary
No. And date as before.
Copy sent to the following for information and necessary action: -
9. Chief Urban and Rural Scheme, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
10. All sections of Housing Department.
11. Guard file
12. Awas Bandhu, Uttar Pradesh.
Jawed Ahatesham
Deputy secretary

No.-3864/9-H-3-2001-2 LUC/99
Yugeshwar Singh Chouhan
Special Secretary
Uttar Pradesh Government

1.Chairman/ Vice chairman
 All Development Authority
 Uttar Pradesh
 2. Commissioner
 Housing and Development Council
 104, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
 3. Chairman/Secretary
 All Special Zone Development Authority
 Uttar Pradesh

Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 17 April 2001
Subject: Assessment of fees for alteration of lower land use to upper land use in mahayojna.
 To draw your attention subject mentioned above ruling order-2245/9-H-3-98-26 LUC/91, date 28 August 98. I am directed to say that in above ruling order the arrangement has been made for assessment of fees for alteration
 Of lower land use to upper land use in development authorities but in above rulings dated 28 August 1998 the payment of land use alteration fees is not clear from alteration of agricultural/entertainment land use etc to ashram, mathas and in religious

Places. So making a partial amendment in above rulings dated 28 August 1998 ara-2 of above ruling order the proposed rates of fees for land use alteration described in serial no-1 the same rate o alteration fees will be collected also for land use alteration
On in ashram, mathas and religious place from agriculture/entertainment as collected for land use alteration in agriculture/entertainment to community services.

{Yugeshwar Singh Chouhan
 Special Secretary
{No. and date as before.
Copy sent to the following for information and necessary action: -
1. Chief, Urban and Rural Planning, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
2. All Sections of Housing Department
3.Guard file
4.Awas Bandhu, Uttar Pradesh
Yours truly,
 Jawed Ahatesham
 Deputy secretary

1060/9-H-3-96-12 misc/96
 Shri Akhand Pratap Singh
 Chief Secretary
 Uttar Pradesh Government

1.Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
2. Commissioner
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council, Lucknow
Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 27 March 1996
Subject: Land use alteration Policy.
Subject to above by ruling order no.-1026/9-H-3-36 dated 11 March, 1996 the policy related directions are given about collection of alteration fees/premium on alteration of plots in mahayojna. In above-mentioned ruling order dated 11 March 1996 some development authorities about which clearance is necessary raise some questions.
In this connection I am directed to say that in mahayojna land use alteration of any plot is an unprecedented action and is being done exceptionally. This action is taken under section-13 and according to the provisions of the Act land use will be done in future. It is made clear that land owner have no any right to alteration of land use by those ruling orders. In rulings only it is pointed that if land use converts according to proposed process then how the premium will be assessed.
It is also made clear that land use of green belt will be prevented as far as possible. A proposal of land use alteration of green belt is sent by any agency only, when land use of same amount is being altered in green belt.
I am directed to say that at the time of submission of land use alteration application to government or development authority by applicant, an undertaking legally permissible will be given in this respect that after land use alteration he will pay the estimated premium amount instantly. A communiqué in this respect by applicant will be also related this premium payment, land use o reassessed to open areas will has any effect, but the land which is used by land owner, on that place the land will be assumed as non confirming land use besides their use in Master Plan. That person collects it when he will after land use of his property. If the grade of land use is lower the alteration of that plot will be on the desire of landowner.
The premium rates assessed in ruling order dated 11 March 1996 will be applied only on permitted F.A.R. for those land use alteration is under consideration. It is must to mention it at the time of land use alteration.
The proposed process of Act will be completed only after the opinion made by authority and Chief urban an Rural Planning U.P. analyzing merits-demerits in cases of land use alteration.
The action should be ensured in connection with above said clearance on ruling order dated 11 March 1996.

Akhand Pratap Singh
Chief secretary

1060-9-H-3-96-12 misc/1996
Shri Akhand Pratap Singh
Chief Secretary
Uttar Pradesh Government
1. Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council
Uttar Pradesh
Housing section-5 Lucknow: Date 29 October 1986
Subject: In connection with land use alteration fees and development fees.
In succession of ruling order no. 5748/11-5-86/52 misc/86 dated 12 August 1986, some development authorities have made suspicion that if the permission of building construction is not under residential circumference, then alteration in F.A.R. can made or not. In connection with it is made clear in para-1 of ruling order that as per type of construction the decision of set back, land coverage and F.A.R. will be applied.
It is also cleared that for commercial and official land use, however they will get more F.A.R. relatively, but the development fees for residential use will be 50% more than proposed fees.
Thus even if there is no such boundation, but the development authority is free to arrange work on places taking consideration of the status of the region. It is also that this system should be practical in this nature that same facilities will be available for every person of any zone of the city and no decision is being taken differently in different cases.

Yours truly,
Signature- Illegible

4900/9-H-3-96/60 LUC
Shri Akhand Pratap Singh
Chief Secretary
Uttar Pradesh Government
1. Vice chairman
All Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council
Uttar Pradesh
Housing section-3 Lucknow: Date 26 December 1996
Subject: Policy related to land use alteration for residential colonies/command areas of development authorities and Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Council.
Policy subject to land use alteration in mahayojna of cities ruling order no.-1026/9-H-3-96 and 1060/9-H-3-96-12 misc/96 dated 27.3.96 are issued previously. Those ruling orders that land use alteration in mahayojna should be demoted direct it. Especially green belt land use alteration occurs in most unavoidable conditions. Green belt is very important in view of environment in city. So the land area as for which alteration is proposed the same area will have to extend for green belt so that total proposed area doesn’t lessen. The direction is also made that for alteration of lower land to upper land use, a land use alteration fees is to be collected. The fees for land use alteration of residential to official land use is based on residential rate of Authority and Housing Development Council or if not available, then 50% of the rate proposed by collector. Residential to commercial land use alteration 100% of the above rate and in case of green belt to residential land use alteration the 75% of the above rate will be collected by landowner.
According to the provisions made in Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act 1973 section 13, on land use alteration proposal the ordinance is issued after inviting objections/advice form general public and considering over it. Sometimes alteration issued the level of Development Authority and Housing Development Council amending surface level map of planning. In this proceeding the residents have not get opportunity to present objections/advice. It is found that in residential plannings of Authority and Housing Development Council the alteration is being made at the large scale. Such as residential buildings are altered for commercial/official/school and other commercial uses. This action is developing irregularly on main road and crossings of colonies gradually. Development Authority and Housing Council takes action of demolition/adjustment on irregular development under the Act but by taking postponement order from court, the effective control is not establishing on this problem. For effective control on lad use alterations by amending layout plan in colonies developed by development authority/Housing and Development Council. The Governor directs under section of Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act 1973: -
1. If land use alteration of any assets is being done in planning of Development Authority and Housing and Development Council, then the objection of the residents in that lane will be invited, in which lane the assets is situated.
2. For land use alteration the F.A.R., covered land, of proposed assets will be as usual. If F.A.R extension is proposed, then it will be stated clearly on that.
3. After land use alteration the boundary-wall constructed in front set back will have to be demolished and no any kind of courtyard or verandah will be permitted in front set back.
4. In case of alteration of residential assets to commercial assets only local shopping or sectorial shipping will be permitted.
5. Residential to commercial land use land use the alteration will be done in a fixed depth on both sides of the road as proposed street in mahayojna. The depth of the market street on main road will be fixed on the basis of concurrent use.
6. I am directed to say that according to above directions the whole process of land use alteration by amending lay out plan, will be done according to section 13 of Uttar Pradesh Urban Project and Development Act, 1973 and be completed by gazette ordinance after inviting objections and advice of general people.
Please ensure strict compliance of the above orders.
Akhand Pratap Singh
Chief Secretary
No.- 4900/9-H-3-96/60 LUC/1996 it date
The copy has above mentioned sent to the following for information and necessary action: -
1. Chief Urban and Rural Planning, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
2. All District Magistrates, Uttar Pradesh.
3. All sections of Housing Department

By order
Jeevesh Nadan
Joint Secretary

No.- 570/9-H-1-earthquakeresistant/2001(H.B.)
Atul Kumar Gupta
Uttar Pradesh Government
Housing Commissioner 2. All Vice chairman
Housing and Development Council Development Authority
Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh
            3.All Chairman 4.All Controlling Authority
All Special Zone Development Authority Regularized Zone
Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh
Management Director
U.P. Co-operative Residents Association
Housing section-1 Lucknow: Date 03 February 2001
Subject: In connection with new building construction and important establishments for earthquake protection.
In view of earthquakes in country time to time, it is been unavoidable that in Uttar Pradesh, whose most area is under seismic zone 2 to 4, for building construction and important establishments facilities necessary safety provision are ensured. The permission of new construction will be given ensuring the following arrangements: -
Construction work on which this arrangements will be applied: -
All buildings of municipality area including ground floor three-storied or more or of height more than 12 meters, construction and important establishment facilities e.g. water works and over hot tank, telephone exchange, bridge and culvert development of electric production center and electric sub-station and electric pole etc. are ensured according to necessary provisions of safety. At present necessary amendment are being made on the basis of data and maps provision of geological technical server, so that for planning also the minimized level of adverse effect of earthquake and other natural calamity can be ensured in construction of new buildings and development of new establishment facilities.
Concerning code: -
The whole plot of U.P. and Uttaranchal comes in zone-4 and 5 and most part of Uttar Pradesh is under areas and for development of above mentioned important establishment the cent-percent provision mentioned in appendix-2, Indian Standard Institutes code, National Building Code, other concerned guidelines and records will be mandatory.
Necessary records at the time of application for building map acceptance: -
For acceptance of building construction according to process provisioned previously necessary architectural map enclosed with form of appendix-3. Building Information Schedule and attached appendix-4 from a certificate in this respect will have to be present with joint signature of landowner/builder, architect of map and of Structural engineer, who designed the plinth and super structure of the building, that in the building map and plinth and design of super structure, all provision of earthquake resistant compliance are ensured which are mentioned in serial no.-2 Code, guidelines and concerned records. In addition the total calculation and structural map wit details of building plinth and super structure and signed by structural engineer will also have to be submit with document related to map acceptance.
Examination at the time of building map acceptance-
The officer in charge map acceptance will have to ensure that the architectural map placed for acceptance is according to building byelaws and certificates in connection wit provisions of earthquake protection and structural safety of the building are in prescribed formats above mentioned and calculations related to plinth structural design are certified by structural engineer and enclosed with it. The map is accepted after this ensurance. In map is accepted without proper examination or received certificates and any technical fault found later, due to which the structural safety of the buildings is found suspicious, then the officer who accepts the map will be responsible for Criminal looseness.
Conditions of building map acceptance: -
Construction acceptance will be issued under these conditions: -
(a) Undergoing construction will be according to the design of certified by eligible structural engineer and architect and under provisions concerning Indian Standard Institutions and National Building Code.
(b) Supervision of construction will be done by eligible architect and under his responsibility, so that compliance of required arrangements are ensured.
(c) No building or its any part will be used before receiving neither completion certificate nor it will be arranged to do that. The acceptance officer can prescribe any other conditions in addition to above-mentioned rulings.
Compulsions for completion certificate: -
The application presented before competent authority to get completion certificate after completion of building construction will be placed by builder with a joint certificate for the purpose in appendix-5 by architect, sight engineer, land owner/builder, that construction of balding is according to accepted map, with prescribed specialties, qualities and mentioned in appendix, Code and concerned guidelines, based on structural design an with all earthquake resistant provisions on approval of Structural Engineer and it is safe in all respect of uses with completing all formalities related to safety measures a prescribed format for safety certificate is available, only after that completion certificate may be issued.
Without receiving completion certificate if a building or if any part is used in unauthorized manner or have any such possibility, then the construction will be sealed and strict action will be done with land owners/builder as per rules.
 The prescribed format according to abovementioned will be applied as the case may be in demolition of unauthorized constructions also.
The above orders will be applied with immediate effect.

By order

Sanjay Bhusreddy
Special Secretary
Enclosure: - Appendix (1-5)
No. 570(1)/9-H-2001- earthquake resistant/2001 it date
Copy Chief Secretary, Uttaranchal State with request that please implicit safety provisions in abovementioned considers to apply ruling order in Uttaranchal State also.
By order

Sanjay Bhusreddy
Special Secretary
Enclosure Appendix (1-5)
No. 570(2)/9-H-2001- earthquake resistant/2001 it date
Copy to following please issue action order in constructions and establishment of construction works under implicit safety provision for building construction and acceptance of maps and projects –
Industrial Development Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh Government
Chief Secretary, Public construction Department, Uttar Pradesh Government.
Chief Secretary, Energy, Uttar Pradesh Government
Secretary Urban Development Department, Uttar Pradesh Government
Secretary Urban region, Employment and Poverty Elimination Department, Uttar Pradesh Government.

By order

Sanjay Bhusreddy
Special Secretary
Enclosure: Appendix (1-5)
No. 570(3)/9-H-2001- earthquake resistant/2001 it date
Copy sent to following for information and necessary action: -
Chief and Rural Planning Department Uttar Pradesh.
All Section officers of Housing Department in Government.
Superintending Director, Awas Bandhu, U.P.
Section Officer, Housing section-1 for guard files.

By order

Sanjay Bhusreddy
Special Secretary
Enclosure: Appendix (1-5)